Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research
Growth Performance of Mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhosus) Fingerlings Affected by Local Diets Through Energy Ratio in Aquarium Condition
Subrata Mondal 1, M. Iqbal Hossain 2, S. M. Rezaul Karim 2 and Kaisir Mohammad Moinul Hasan 3
1 Dept. of Fisheries & Marine Bioscience, Jessore University of Science & Technology
2 Senior Upazila Fisheries Officer, Dept. of Fisheries, Dhaka
2 Senior Upazila Fisheries Officer, Dept. of Fisheries, Dhaka
3 Kaisir Mohammad Moinul Hasan, Assistant Director, Dept. of Fisheries, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
1 Dept. of Fisheries & Marine Bioscience, Jessore University of Science & Technology
2 Senior Upazila Fisheries Officer, Dept. of Fisheries, Dhaka
2 Senior Upazila Fisheries Officer, Dept. of Fisheries, Dhaka
3 Kaisir Mohammad Moinul Hasan, Assistant Director, Dept. of Fisheries, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhosus) is a first growing commercial cultured species in Bangladesh. The initial energy gain of this fast growing specis depends on the protein and energy ratio in the diet. Insufficient amount of essential protein in feed hampers growth and new body tissue building. Therefore, a aquarium trial of 60 days was undertaken to evaluate the growth performance of Mrigal, with considering energy ratio in laboratory condition. The experiment was conducted with Cirrhinus cirrhosus fingerlings to measure protein energy ratio of five formulated feed with locally available ingredient which containing 33% dietary protein level. The experiment was comprised of five treatments having with two replicates containing 15 fingerlings of mean total initial weight of 13+_0.02g. Five diets were formulated with five group energy levels (4.22, 4.06, 4.07, 4.35, 4.25 Kcal/g). From this study it has been found that F5 (mixed plant based protein) and F1 (fishmeal) showed highest and lowest food conversion ratio (FCR), respectively. While the lowest and the highest value of specific growth rate (SGR) and FCR was determine the vice versa between F1 and F5 treatments. The result showed that diet containing with 4.35 Kcal/g gross energy level and 75.86 mg protein energy ratio produced significantly (P<0.01) best growth.
Key words: Cirrhinus cirrhosus, Feed, Aquarium and Protein quality
Mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhosus) is a first growing commercial cultured species in Bangladesh. The initial energy gain of this fast growing specis depends on the protein and energy ratio in the diet. Insufficient amount of essential protein in feed hampers growth and new body tissue building. Therefore, a aquarium trial of 60 days was undertaken to evaluate the growth performance of Mrigal, with considering energy ratio in laboratory condition. The experiment was conducted with Cirrhinus cirrhosus fingerlings to measure protein energy ratio of five formulated feed with locally available ingredient which containing 33% dietary protein level. The experiment was comprised of five treatments having with two replicates containing 15 fingerlings of mean total initial weight of 13+_0.02g. Five diets were formulated with five group energy levels (4.22, 4.06, 4.07, 4.35, 4.25 Kcal/g). From this study it has been found that F5 (mixed plant based protein) and F1 (fishmeal) showed highest and lowest food conversion ratio (FCR), respectively. While the lowest and the highest value of specific growth rate (SGR) and FCR was determine the vice versa between F1 and F5 treatments. The result showed that diet containing with 4.35 Kcal/g gross energy level and 75.86 mg protein energy ratio produced significantly (P<0.01) best growth.
Key words: Cirrhinus cirrhosus, Feed, Aquarium and Protein quality

Growth performance of Mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhosus) fingerlings affected by local diets through energy ratio in aquarium condition.pdf |
Citation for this article (APA Style):
Mondal, S., Hossain, M. I., Karim, S. M. R. & Hasan, K. M. M. (2014). Growth Performance of Mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhosus) Fingerlings Affected by Local Diets Through Energy Ratio in Aquarium Condition. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 02(01), 16-22.
Mondal, S., Hossain, M. I., Karim, S. M. R. & Hasan, K. M. M. (2014). Growth Performance of Mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhosus) Fingerlings Affected by Local Diets Through Energy Ratio in Aquarium Condition. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 02(01), 16-22.
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