Editorial and Publication Policies
Article 1. Manuscript Processing, Peer Review and Editorial Tasks (General Overview)
- Manuscripts that are submitted for publication, initially checked by an editor whether a manuscript is prepared following Author Guidelines or not. At the same time, the relevance of the manuscript within the aims and scope of a journal is also evaluated by an editor (s) before further processing. Acknowledgement of a manuscript and request for declaration of manuscript contents as original is preferably communicated within 3-5 business days.
- When a submitted manuscript meets primary criteria then two or more reviewer preferably of similar background but not always is assigned by editor for a manuscript towards double blind Peer Review. At any stage all manuscript checked for similarity and plagiarism by iThenticate and report communicated with corresponding author for action. However, depending on review comments and suggestions, usually acceptance of an article for further processing with minor corrections but where necessary, major revision (based on review comments) and re-submission of an article by author (s), which is suggested and followed by editor (s) of journal (s) specified for a manuscript. The identity of reviewer usually remain closed, but the author could suggest reviewer if required; for this case editor makes final decision. However, depending on reviewer comments and editor decision an article status is communicated with author whether as accepted or accepted with minor revision or accepted after major correction and re-submission or rejected with comprehensive comments, shortcomings and suggestions for improvements. Reviewer copy of an article is communicated with author accordingly. Primary acceptance of an article is communicated as soon as possible with fee requirements.
- After acceptance, proof editing for grammar, scientific integrity, punctuation, scientific formatting and preparation of web publishing template towards galley proof. But even if an article is accepted for publication, it could undergo further rectification as and where necessary by expert editor and subsequent decision is communicated with author, for example if any dispute occurs or substantial plagiarism detected in a manuscript . However, usually the corresponding author receive an article copy for proof reading as ''Galley Proof'' by email attachment and suppose to send feed back (if any). When author is satisfied and agree with an article content, then we request for authorization (copyright transfer) to publish an article in our website (s). The author and or co-author is requested to send back signed and scanned 'Copyright Transfer Agreement', which is usually send to corresponding author. An article is published as online version in the website.
- For other cases, when major revision/correction required, then authors are advised to correct or modify parts of their article as required before a final decision can be made. For this purpose, specific time period is given to authors. The article could be reviewed again if required.
- A manuscript is rejected (and or re-submission) where appropriate and informed to authors with comments from executive editors of Journal BiNET.
Article 2. Originality, Plagiarism and Academic Misconducts
- Journal BiNET is committed to publish articles which are based on original materials. A manuscript or some part(s) of it neither submitted /published elsewhere nor is under review/processing for publication elsewhere is considered as a invalid manuscript. On the other hand, manuscript which are found to be plagiarized from other sources will be rejected for processing and publication. Plagiarism and or copy-paste is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, any fabricationa and falsification of article content is prohibited which extendedly considered for repeated content, image manipulation, data fabrication, mis-presentation of personal details, failure to abide by journal policy, unethical or erronious papers etc. In case of those issues for a published article, once detected or reported, that article will be removed from our systems and it will be mentioned in our website with or without concern of author (s).
- Articles are checked professionally by CrossRef via iThenticate for plagiarism detection and reporting.
Article 3. Duplicate and Multiple Submission
- Duplicate and multiple submissions are prohibited. If an author submit a manuscript whose basis is any of his previously published works, they require to mention and cite it properly with the submitted manuscript. Submission of same article to more than one journal is unethical and unacceptable. Similarly, submission of similar type of works with identical text and parameters should be highly avoidable by author (s). Manuscripts that have been published (and or under review) elsewhere can not be submitted for publication.
Article 4. IMPORTANT ! Author Contribution/Co-authorship, Order, Responsibility and Acknowledgements
- All author should have adequate contribution to the works or research in terms of conception and design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, drafting, intellectual standards, final approval and findings of a submitted manuscript; and listed/describe properly with affiliations and attributions. Moreover, authors are responsible for contents of an article, this journal authority and or editorial board is not responsible for content (literature, table, figure, result, discussion, conclusion etc.) of an article. Authors pay fees for article publication after acceptance of a manuscript. Furthermore, authors should maintain originality, authorship of paper, acknowledgement of sources, reporting standards, data access and retension and avoid multiple, redundant or concurrent publication, conflicts of interest and fundamental errors in published works.
- Author should consider extremelly carefully for author and co-authors order after discussion and permission of each author before submitting a manuscript,
unless publication might be retracted or access become limited for dispute or report of any form. Any form of changes will be rejected unless adequately justified, even if updated, it may take several weeks for final decision. Editorial office reserve the right to reject author request where applicable. - Report any dispute or related issues through email with adequate information to [email protected].
Article 5. Author Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
- Authors have to add a section in article to declare funding sources (i.e., projects, university funds, ministry, research funds etc.) for the works of an article. Moreover, if there is any conflicts of interest about the research findings that might arise from interpretation of results should be declared by the authors in the article. Additionally, if author (s) discover a significant error or inaccuracy in a published article, then it is responsibility of author to promptly notify the subject matter to editor and publisher of journal and cooperate substantially to correct an article.
- Conflict of interest (COI) exists when there is a divergence between an individual’s private interests (competing interests) and his or her responsibilities to scientific and publishing activities such that a reasonable observer might wonder if the individual’s behavior or judgment was motivated by considerations of his or her competing interests. In case of Journal BiNET, COI exists when a participant in the publication process (author, peer reviewer or editor) has a competing interest that could unduly influence (or be reasonably seen to do so) his or her responsibilities in the publication process. Among those responsibilities are academic honesty, unbiased conduct and reporting of research and integrity of decisions or judgments. The publication process includes the submission of manuscripts, peer review, editorial decisions and communication between authors, reviewers and editors. Many kinds of competing interests are possible such as financial ties, academic commitments (i.e., strong belief may bias a research and its results !), personal relationships, political and religious belief and institutional affiliations. Journals often have policies for managing financial COI, mostly based on the untested assumption that financial ties have an especially powerful influence over publication decisions and may not be apparent unless they are made explicit. However, other competing interests can be just as damaging and just as hidden to most participants, and so must also be managed (text adapted from wame).
Article 6. Open Access Statement and License
- Article published are freely available for anyone to read, share, download, print, permitted for unrestricted use and build upon, provided that the original author(s) and publisher are given due credit. Journals are operated through Open Access model which requires author (or institution, research fund) pays the publication fee to made article available online and archived permanently. All Published articles are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Scientific Publications at journalbinet.com unless specified are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Scientific Publications at journalbinet.com unless specified are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Article 7. Editor and Reviewer Responsibility
- Major responsibilities are article review and or editorial decision about manuscript (s) and its standards of objectivity. Confidentiality and promptness is crucial for faster publication of article. Apart from review and editorial tasks, reviewers can recommend any decision about an article in terms of its scientific standards; but side by side editor and reviewer is suppose to help authors how an article could be improved/revised so that author do not become hopeless. Moreover, editor and reviewer does not suppose to make personal comments, use words of demoralization rather focus on strength of an article and highlight weakness in proper ways along with specific suggestions to improve an article scientific merits.
Article 8. Publisher Responsibility
- Bioscience Information Network as the publisher committed to publish article following editorial and review policy. Editorial decision and subsequent publication is not influenced by commercial revenue or other influences. BiNET maintains communication with other journals and or editors where it is useful for us and for the editors. We are committed to work closely with other publisher and relevant industry associations to sent best practice standards on ethical matters, misconduct, errors in publication. BiNET is always prepare to provide legal information or review as and when necessary.
Article 9. Editorial Office Responsibility and Dealings with Parties
Assistants (including executive editors) who work for editorial office of Journal BiNET usually makes all communications with respective authors, reviewers, editors, visitors and who ever necessary on behalf of Journal BiNET managing editors and board members. Website issues, Article receive acknowledgement, review request, reviewer copy correspondence with author, primary acceptance, payment instructions and acknowledgement, and range of other editorial processes are managed by the editorial office. Editorial officer possess rights of asking additional information from author, reviewer and editor as necessary. For example, editorial office may ask for supplementary materials for an article if necessary, affiliation details, letter from affiliation department and their respective and supervisory contact details, CV from author during any refund, withdrawal of open access fee and any sort of information that editorial office thinks would be necessary to publish an article and or resolve any article issues or dispute. Editorial office except patience and cooperation from all bodies of correspondence. Editorial office always strive to improve their service with appropriate ethical standards.
Article 10. IMPORTANT ! Article Correction, Retraction, Removal and Editorial Note
- An article which is published online in our website is generally but may be not always considered as the final and complete version, there might be later or updated versions of article, which is mentioned clearly. There could be scope of correction/retraction/removal/editorial note depending on circumstances and or as and where necessary such as major correction required about scientific accuracy and integrity, and mostly harm the reputation of a author (s) and this journal or even pose a serious health risk. While on the other hand, once an article is published in good faith, it increases reputation of the publisher, hence retraction or removal of an article is done carefully and grounds of change should be firm, ethical and scientifically viable. However, there are certain article retraction fee which is minimum 125 USD but it may be higher if journal or publisher reputation harms, on the other hand additional charges might be applied for article corrections such as author list update or reorder. Please write to us if you (i.e., visitor, author, editor, reviewer or other responsible) need such correction in any published article and or for a specific case, you would like to report or complain about a published article for correction of any form. While retraction is reserved for articles which are seriously flawed and or results and conclusions can't be relied upon. Retraction could be of any form of errors reported honestly by the authors or data fabrication or duplicate publication, fraudulent use of data, plagiarism and ethical matters. Removal of an article could be undertaken where legal and copyright limitations placed upon the publisher; a corrected version may be available where applicable. Editorial note is applicable where remains a potential unresolved problem and there alert will be displayed to readers as editorial note.
- When published contents need to be corrected or updated or retracted or require retraction, we apply our policies and best practice guidelines for scholarly publications. Please contact to [email protected].
Article 11. Copyright Statement and Copyright Infringements
- The authors retains the copyright and publishing rights without restrictions. The authors are fully responsible for their published contents.
- A copyright infringement issue must be supported by sufficient documented evidences. The online journals editorial board upon receive of a infringement claim, will inform authors about it and discuss it with parties involved. The editorial board reserve the right to make final decision about the validity of such a claim. After adequate discussion with all parties, if a claim found considerable, persistent and justified, then the relevant manuscript will be removed and or corrected.
Article 12. Publication Ethics and Best Practices
- Journal BiNET is adopting and or following code of conduct for publishers and best practice guidelines as much possible but not yet subscribed for code of conducts and journal editors on publication ethics by the Committee on Publication Ethics: COPE.
Article 13. Licenses and Permanency of Contents
- Journal BiNET articles are usually published under a CC BY license unless specified. All article published by Journal BiNET is usually freely available unless specified for anyone to read, share, download, print, permitted for unrestricted use and build upon, provided that the original author (s) and publisher are given due credit. All Published articles are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
- All articles receive a DOI from CrossRef and are permanently available in the website. Where necessary author can request revision of article and new version could be available accordingly.
We thank you for reviewing editorial and publication policies of Journal BiNET. If you have any further questions, send email to [email protected].
Last update: 01 August 2022.