Journal Help Center for Authors
1. Journal Article Publication Process
Authors are requested to prepare article based on original and unpublished contents following manuscript preparation guidelines.
Key Instructions:
Key Instructions:
- Before any submissions prepare article following Manuscript Preparation Guidelines.
- An article should have sections such as Title, Author affiliations, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, References, Acknowledgement etc.
- Proper citations in the text and all references should be present in the reference section.
- Authors are requested to visit Downloads section for model article, cover letter, copyright form and dedicated author guide.
- Grammatical errors and spelling mistakes should be avoided throughout the manuscript.
Authors are requested to submit properly formatted research paper to editorial office of Journal BiNET.
- Please follow faster and easier Online Submission. Online submission helps faster publication.
- Authors can email article to [email protected].
All submissions are checked for similarity and plagiarism by iThenticate to check primary criteria of processing and editorial.
When a submitted manuscript meets primary criteria then two reviewer preferably of similar background is assigned by executive editors for each manuscript towards Double Blind Peer Review. Depending on review comments and suggestions, usually acceptance of an article for further processing with minor corrections or as it is; but where necessary, major revision (based on review comments) and re-submission of an article by author, which is suggested and followed by executive editor from editorial office of Journal BiNET.
When a submitted manuscript meets primary criteria then two reviewer preferably of similar background is assigned by executive editors for each manuscript towards Double Blind Peer Review. Depending on review comments and suggestions, usually acceptance of an article for further processing with minor corrections or as it is; but where necessary, major revision (based on review comments) and re-submission of an article by author, which is suggested and followed by executive editor from editorial office of Journal BiNET.
Authors receive Galley Proof of an article before publication after editorial tasks and payment of the processing and publication fee. Authors should conduct proof reading responsively of their article thoroughly for common mistakes. Once an article is authenticated for publication, it will be published as soon as possible in the next issue of a suitable journal where possible.
Journal BiNET publishes article as online version in the website. All published articles are peer reviewed and open access for greater audience readership, i.e., immediately available for readership. Bibliographic integration and indexing of article is done for each article gradually.
2. Frequently Asked Questions
how can i publish my article with Journal Binet?
Journal BiNET is a fastest growing publishing platform which publishes peer review article of multidisciplinary fields that are scholarly and open access for greater readership. We publish original research paper, review paper, case study, technical report, short communication in different featured online journals. We have an established and comprehensive full service online system for publication of articles that make sure processing and publication faster & easier for the benefits of authors and readers, where indexing and greater audience readership is ensured globally.
Authors are requested to submit article to [email protected] to start the dedicated article publication process.
Authors are requested to submit article to [email protected] to start the dedicated article publication process.
What are the names of journals?
We are operating the following journals currently:
- Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research
- Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics
- International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research
- Research Journal of Molecular Studies and Medicine Research
- Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
- Journal of Fisheries, Livestock and Veterinary Science
- International Journal of Multidisciplinary Perspectives
- Journal of Advances in Genetics, Plant Breeding and Biotechnology
- Asian Journal of Agronomy, Horticulture and OnFarm Research
- International Journal of Forestry, Ecology and Environment
- Bioscience and Bioengineering Communications
- International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences (upcoming)
- International Journal of Technology and Engineering Research (upcoming)
What are the aims and scope of Journal BiNET?
We publishes multidisciplinary articles on different subject areas of science and technology but not limited to broader areas of bio-sciences, agriculture, fisheries, livestock, genetics, engineering, forestry, ecology, environment, business, society, management, molecular studies, biochemistry and medicine. Please visit respective journal home page for more details. Read more
Why publish with us?
We provide online submissions, rapid processing and review, editorial assistance, email support, online tracking of manuscripts, secure payment gateway, automatic indexing, sharing and greater audience readership for all in an Open Access (OA) model. Read More
How to submit and publish articles?
Authors have to submit original articles, review papers, case study, survey paper, short communications, technical notes or other scientific literature to publish with us. Authors can submit articles directly to editor sending email to [email protected]. But authors are encouraged to follow Online Submission of articles, which is faster, easier and an efficient interactive system.
How long it takes to publish an article?
The initial and primary acceptance decision on a submitted manuscript is communication within preferably 15 business days. Then, approx. 10 business days is required for an article to be reviewed by experts. Afterwards, final acceptance and further processing of an article is communicated with corresponding author. An article is published as online open access version within preferably 29 business day or later depending on article processing status.
What happen when i submit a manuscript?
Once we receive an article, we acknowledge the receipt of it to your email address preferably within 3-5 business days. Then, we evaluate your article for further processing and review. If you article is primarily accepted, then we will inform you about the acceptance of your article for publication in the next issue of our online scientific journal which is more relevant to your article subject matter. You will also receive email about authorization and payment for publication fee of your article after the final acceptance.
is it possible to publish an article shortly?
The manuscript that is submitted by author if scientifically sound and original, and prepared following the Manuscript Preparation Guidelines of Journal BiNET. Then, article is immediately processed further for review. Moreover, when all parties involve respond in a timely and efficient manner, an article is published within only few weeks. Journal BiNET publishes articles preferably within 29 business days but not always.
How much is the processing and publication fee/charge?
The processing and publication fee is 4,500 BDT for Bangladeshi nationals. For nationals from the SAARC county, publication fee is 65 USD, for other countries 95 USD, for African country 50 USD unless otherwise mention (i.e., please check latest update from Publication Fee page). Publication fee for authors from the developed country is 175 USD.
How can i made the payment for my article?
When an article is accepted for publication, you can made the payment directly by using our Online Payment Platform. Moreover, where necessary we email corresponding author with further payment instructions on how to made payment(s) by Paypal, Western Union, Money Gram, Skrill, Bank Wire Transfers (TT/MT/Online), Kurier Money Transfer and Bikash.
What happen when i made payment of publication fee?
After successful receipt of necessary payment, we acknowledge about it without any delay. Then, your article will be further processed for online publication within 29 business days if meets publication standards. If your article is rejected for publication at this stage for any unavoidable reasons, we will refund money to you after 45 days excluding fees for review and processing based on terms of service.
Can i track the progress of a submitted manuscript?
Yes, you can. You will be provided with Article ID, using this ID and your email as user name, you can track the progress of your manuscripts always. We generally keep informing authors status of an article very promptly. We responds to any emails from authors before 3-5 business days. Authors can tract status of manuscript from Track Manuscript Form.
When do i receive galley proof of my accepted article?
Author receives Galley Proof of an article after all review, editorial decision, formatting as web template and importantly usually after the payment of necessary publication fee.
Why authors require to pay for publication of an article?
Our scientific journals run through standard Open Access (OA) model, where authors pay publication fee so that an published article is freely available online. In addition, all published articles are readily available for greater readership by Scribd, free to view and download from website, assigned for DOI (Digital Object Identifier), highly search engine optimized; quickly globally indexed with citations, indexing and bibliographic authorities such as DOAJ, CrossRef, ROAD, online libraries etc. Thus, we need to maintain a comprehensive automated online article publishing platform and or websites, which require money for maintenance of the websites apart from costs involve for the processing and editorial tasks of articles.
Do i receive ''doi'' for my published article?
Yes. All published articles are assigned with DOI (Digital Object Identifier) from DOI assining to an article is done gradually and it may take time up to several weeks to active a DOI.
can i join as reviewer and editor?
Yes. You can Join as Reviewer and Editor for our different online scientific journals. All the review and editorial boards are composed of potential expert editor and reviewer from home and abroad. You are welcome !
How can i receive reprints?
Reprints of published article is provided upon request from author. Please made your request through Submit Reprint Request. We advise authors to print the PDF version themselves as necessary because Journal BiNET discourage printing of materials through papers. Paper work certainly involves manpower, energy sources, waste and carbon dioxide emissions through production of documents.
Can i request published article correction?
Yes. Authors are requested to contact through Published Article Correction Form. Only valid and justified corrections are updated after 90 days.
How can i contact the editorial office?
You can contact through using Contact Form or email us at [email protected]. We respond to any of your online query, emails, preferably within 3-5 business days. You can contact through phone and mobile call during 9 am to 5 pm to +88-01712894181, 01556307889.
Is Cover letter and copyright Agreement submission is necessary?
Yes. Journal BiNET suggest authors to submit the cover letter and copyright transfer agreement before publication, which are usually signed by corresponding author except otherwise mentioned. This process enhances the authors rights, define article (s). ethical value, legal matters, marketing, promotion, distribution and standards of published articles.
Impact factor information can be found with details for each journal from the Indexing of Journals page. The following journals have indexing value, impact factor (IF) or equivalent to IF based on our independent google scholar profile analysis:
Impact Factor based on Google Scholar (Calculated on July 2022):
Impact Factor based on Google Scholar (Calculated on July 2022):
- 9 year Impact Factor: 4.324
- Impact Factor calculated in July 2022
- Google Scholar Citations: 2162
- h-index: 20
- i-10 index: 64
3. Information for Author, Reviewer and Editor
Journal BiNET is publishing articles for more than six years in various peer review international journals on science and technology. The following list of interdisciplinary journals ranges from bioscience, agriculture, agronomy, horticulture, farming systems, soil science, plant nutrition, fisheries, livestock, veterinary science, medicine, biotechnology, genetics, plant breeding, forestry, ecology, bioinformatics, engineering research, business, management, environment and the society. Read More
Submission of manuscripts
Authors have to submit original articles, review papers, case study, survey paper, short communications, technical notes or other scientific literature to publish with us. Authors can submit articles directly to editor sending email to [email protected]. But authors are encouraged to follow [ Online Submission ]of articles, which is faster, easier and an efficient interactive system.
Quick submission list
Manuscript review and editorial policy
Extended double blind peer review. Read more
Reviewer guidelines
Efficient review is important for scientific articles. Read more
join with us
Welcome. Join as Editor and Reviewer
Visitors and authors can download information guide, manuscript preparation instructions, model article, cover letter, copyright form, submission checklist, journal brochure, cover pages, publisher flyer, publication disclaimer and legal notice and many more.
Visit dedicated Downloads section.
Visit dedicated Downloads section.
4. Troubleshooting
I have made the payment of publication fee, i am still receiving payment instructions, why?
After payment of any publication fee/invoice against a service, authors require to send details of the mode of transactions. A scanned copy of the payment slip/documents and or payee name, date, article id, banking details, online payments details etc. should be sent to editorial office by email. Thus, unless editorial office receive particular complete payment details, payment instructions usually sent to author to avoid delay of publication.
I have submitted my article before, why my article is not published yet?
The answer of this questions depends on many factors regarding article processing and subsequent publication. But authors should aware of the following issues of article processing statuses: proper manuscript preparation, plagiarism issues, revision of article based on reviewer comments, citation & referencing issues, missing article contents, submission of Cover Letter and Copyright form, payment of publication fee, ethical matter and many more. Authors are requested to discuss particular issue related to an article with the editorial office.
I remain unable to submit my article through online submission form, what to do?
Authors are requested to submit their article following online article submission forms. But if encounter any difficulty, please email your article to [email protected].
The website of Journal BiNEt does not open in my computer, what to do?
In most of the cases, visitors would not find any difficulty to load the website in their computer browser(s). For instance, if you find difficulty, please use updated version of google chrome or firebox browser. The website works best with newer version of google chrome browser. If you still find any difficulty, please check your internet speed. The website works best with 3G internet connection with standard internet speed. In some browser with 2G internet connection, the website may load slow.
In addition, the website is highly optimized for smart phones, tablet and laptops.
Please report to us any specific website error if you have encounter to [email protected].
In addition, the website is highly optimized for smart phones, tablet and laptops.
Please report to us any specific website error if you have encounter to [email protected].
Which browser(s) are recommend to use journal binet websites?
Newer version of Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Maxthon browser and Safari are recommended to use different features of the website(s).
Last update: 27 July 2022.