Asian J. Crop. Soil Plan. Nutri. | Volume 01, Issue 02, 28-36 |
Article type: Research article | Received: 19.09.19; Revised: 03.12.19; First published online: 10 December 2019
Article type: Research article | Received: 19.09.19; Revised: 03.12.19; First published online: 10 December 2019
Response of mungbean growth and yield to GA3 rate and time of application
Sanjida Tasnim 1, Md. Jewel Alam 2, Md. Mominur Rahman 1, Md. Sohidul Islam 1 and Md. Shafiqul Islam Sikdar 1
1 Department of Agronomy, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur.
2 Department of Entomology, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
✉ Article correspondence: [email protected] (Sikdar, MSI).
1 Department of Agronomy, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur.
2 Department of Entomology, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
✉ Article correspondence: [email protected] (Sikdar, MSI).
Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) is a high protein content pulse crop in Bangladesh. Gibberellic acid (GA3) is a phytohormone that accelerates the plant growth and development which is helping to increase yield. A field experiment was conducted at the Agronomic Research Field, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur during April to August 2018 in order to investigate the effect of GA3 application time and different concentrations on morpho-physiological, yield and yield contributing characters of mungbean cv. BARI mung-8. The experiment comprised three application time of GA3 viz. 15, 30 & 45 DAS and three concentration viz. 0, 100 & 200ppm. Mungbean cv. BARI mung-8 (Sunamung) was used as an experimental crop. The research experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Most of the growth and yield contributing characteristics of BARI mung-8 was significantly influenced by different times and concentration of GA3. Among the time of application and concentrations of GA3 at 30 DAS with 200ppm of GA3 produced the tallest plant and number of branches plant-1. At 200ppm of GA3 application only increased vegetative growth, but concentration @100 ppm of GA3 application showed the best performance on yield and yield contributing characters. So, 100ppm of GA3 produced the longest pod, highest number of pods plant-1, number of seed pod-1, 1000 seed weight, seed yield, stover yield, biological yield and harvest index. The highest seed yield (1.14 t ha-1) was obtained from 30 DAS whereas the lowest one (0.84 t ha-1) recorded from 15 DAS. The seed yield increase with increasing concentration of GA3 up to 100ppm and then yield was reduced. The maximum seed yield (1.35 t ha-1) and biological yield (4.12 t ha-1) was recorded from 100ppm GA3 applied at 30 DAS, whereas no application of GA3 produced the minimum seed yield (0.73 t ha-1) and biological yield (2.77 t ha-1). The present study reveals that BARI mung-8 performed the best with the application of GA3 @100ppm at 30 DAS for enhancing growth and getting maximum yield.
Key Words: Gibberellic acid (GA3), Application time and rate, Morpho-physiological and Yield attributes, Mungbean
Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) is a high protein content pulse crop in Bangladesh. Gibberellic acid (GA3) is a phytohormone that accelerates the plant growth and development which is helping to increase yield. A field experiment was conducted at the Agronomic Research Field, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur during April to August 2018 in order to investigate the effect of GA3 application time and different concentrations on morpho-physiological, yield and yield contributing characters of mungbean cv. BARI mung-8. The experiment comprised three application time of GA3 viz. 15, 30 & 45 DAS and three concentration viz. 0, 100 & 200ppm. Mungbean cv. BARI mung-8 (Sunamung) was used as an experimental crop. The research experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Most of the growth and yield contributing characteristics of BARI mung-8 was significantly influenced by different times and concentration of GA3. Among the time of application and concentrations of GA3 at 30 DAS with 200ppm of GA3 produced the tallest plant and number of branches plant-1. At 200ppm of GA3 application only increased vegetative growth, but concentration @100 ppm of GA3 application showed the best performance on yield and yield contributing characters. So, 100ppm of GA3 produced the longest pod, highest number of pods plant-1, number of seed pod-1, 1000 seed weight, seed yield, stover yield, biological yield and harvest index. The highest seed yield (1.14 t ha-1) was obtained from 30 DAS whereas the lowest one (0.84 t ha-1) recorded from 15 DAS. The seed yield increase with increasing concentration of GA3 up to 100ppm and then yield was reduced. The maximum seed yield (1.35 t ha-1) and biological yield (4.12 t ha-1) was recorded from 100ppm GA3 applied at 30 DAS, whereas no application of GA3 produced the minimum seed yield (0.73 t ha-1) and biological yield (2.77 t ha-1). The present study reveals that BARI mung-8 performed the best with the application of GA3 @100ppm at 30 DAS for enhancing growth and getting maximum yield.
Key Words: Gibberellic acid (GA3), Application time and rate, Morpho-physiological and Yield attributes, Mungbean
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Article Citations
Sanjida et al. “Response of mungbean growth and yield to GA3 rate and time of application’’. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 01(02) (2019): 28-36.
Sanjida, T., Alam, M. J., Rahman, M. M., Islam, M. S., and Sikdar, M. S. I. (2019). Response of mungbean growth and yield to GA3 rate and time of application. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 01(02), 28-36.
Sanjida, T., Alam, M. J., Rahman, M. M., Islam, M. S., and Sikdar, M. S. I. “Response of mungbean growth and yield to GA3 rate and time of application”. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 01(02), (2019): 28-36.
Sanjida, T., Alam, M. J., Rahman, M. M., Islam, M. S., and Sikdar, M. S. I. 2019. Response of mungbean growth and yield to GA3 rate and time of application. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 01(02), pp. 28-36..
Sanjida T, Alam MJ, Rahman MM, Islam MS and Sikdar MSI. Response of mungbean growth and yield to GA3 rate and time of application. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2019 December 01(02): 28-36.
Sanjida et al. “Response of mungbean growth and yield to GA3 rate and time of application’’. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 01(02) (2019): 28-36.
Sanjida, T., Alam, M. J., Rahman, M. M., Islam, M. S., and Sikdar, M. S. I. (2019). Response of mungbean growth and yield to GA3 rate and time of application. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 01(02), 28-36.
Sanjida, T., Alam, M. J., Rahman, M. M., Islam, M. S., and Sikdar, M. S. I. “Response of mungbean growth and yield to GA3 rate and time of application”. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 01(02), (2019): 28-36.
Sanjida, T., Alam, M. J., Rahman, M. M., Islam, M. S., and Sikdar, M. S. I. 2019. Response of mungbean growth and yield to GA3 rate and time of application. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 01(02), pp. 28-36..
Sanjida T, Alam MJ, Rahman MM, Islam MS and Sikdar MSI. Response of mungbean growth and yield to GA3 rate and time of application. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2019 December 01(02): 28-36.
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Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition EISSN 2706-5510.