Asian J. Crop. Soil Plan. Nutri. | Volume 02, Issue 01, 51-61 |
Article type: Research article | Received: 01.12.19; Revised: 06.01.2020; First published online: 25 February 2020.
Article type: Research article | Received: 01.12.19; Revised: 06.01.2020; First published online: 25 February 2020.
Effects of different postharvest treatments on nutritional quality and shelf life of cucumber
Sarwar-E-Jahan 1, Md. Kamrul Hassan 2, Shomoresh Roy 3, Quazi Maruf Ahmed 4, Gazi Nazmul Hasan 5, Afshara Yeasmin Muna 6 and Manobendra Nath Sarkar 7
1 Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC), Sylhet
2 Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
3 On-Farm Research Division (OFRD), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Tangail
4 Plant Genetic Resources Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur
5 On-Farm Research Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Bhola
6 Department of Horticulture, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet
7 On-Farm Research Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Kishoreganj, Bangladesh
✉ Article correspondence: [email protected] (S. Roy).
1 Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC), Sylhet
2 Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
3 On-Farm Research Division (OFRD), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Tangail
4 Plant Genetic Resources Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur
5 On-Farm Research Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Bhola
6 Department of Horticulture, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet
7 On-Farm Research Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Kishoreganj, Bangladesh
✉ Article correspondence: [email protected] (S. Roy).
Controlled atmosphere and modified atmosphere packaging technology used to slowdown the process of ripening and senescence during storage of many fresh fruits and vegetables. The present study was conducted at the laboratories of Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh to study the effects of different postharvest treatments on nutrient quality and shelf life of an important vegetable named cucumber during the period of 3 August to10 September, 2008. The experimental treatments were control, fruit wrapped in aluminum foil, fruit held at 5˚C with or without plastic wrap, fruits held at 15˚C with or without plastic wrap, fruit wrapped in plastic bag and held at ambient condition. The single factor experiment was laid out in completely randomized design. Cucumber fruits when wrapped in plastic bags and held at 15˚C had the longest shelf life (12 days). Vitamin C content in cucumber fruit declined with storage duration. The vitamin C content in fresh cucumber was 8.68 mg/100g, which declined to 5.45 mg/100g at the 12th day of storage. This study finds out that cucumber fruits should be kept at 15˚C with plastic bag wrap for maximum time storage. Though cucumber is a perishable product, it can be stored up to 12 days at 15˚C with plastic bag wrap in a minimal cost.
Key Words: Cucumber, Nutritional changes, Postharvest loss, Shelf life, Vitamin C and Storage.
Controlled atmosphere and modified atmosphere packaging technology used to slowdown the process of ripening and senescence during storage of many fresh fruits and vegetables. The present study was conducted at the laboratories of Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh to study the effects of different postharvest treatments on nutrient quality and shelf life of an important vegetable named cucumber during the period of 3 August to10 September, 2008. The experimental treatments were control, fruit wrapped in aluminum foil, fruit held at 5˚C with or without plastic wrap, fruits held at 15˚C with or without plastic wrap, fruit wrapped in plastic bag and held at ambient condition. The single factor experiment was laid out in completely randomized design. Cucumber fruits when wrapped in plastic bags and held at 15˚C had the longest shelf life (12 days). Vitamin C content in cucumber fruit declined with storage duration. The vitamin C content in fresh cucumber was 8.68 mg/100g, which declined to 5.45 mg/100g at the 12th day of storage. This study finds out that cucumber fruits should be kept at 15˚C with plastic bag wrap for maximum time storage. Though cucumber is a perishable product, it can be stored up to 12 days at 15˚C with plastic bag wrap in a minimal cost.
Key Words: Cucumber, Nutritional changes, Postharvest loss, Shelf life, Vitamin C and Storage.
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Article Citations
Jahan, et al. “Effects of different postharvest treatments on nutritional quality and shelf life of cucumber”. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 02(01) (2020): 51-61.
Jahan, S. E., Hassan, M. K., Roy, S., Ahmed, Q. M., Hasan, G. N., Muna, A. Y. and Sarkar, M. N. (2020). Effects of different postharvest treatments on nutritional quality and shelf life of cucumber. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 02(01), 51-61.
Jahan, S. E., Hassan, M. K., Roy, S., Ahmed, Q. M., Hasan, G. N., Muna, A. Y. and Sarkar, M. N. “Effects of different postharvest treatments on nutritional quality and shelf life of cucumber”. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 02(01) (2020): 51-61.
Jahan, S. E., Hassan, M. K., Roy, S., Ahmed, Q. M., Hasan, G. N., Muna, A. Y. and Sarkar, M. N. 2020. Effects of different postharvest treatments on nutritional quality and shelf life of cucumber. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 02(01), pp. 51-61
Jahan, SE, Hassan, MK, Roy, S, Ahmed, QM, Hasan, GN, Muna, AY and Sarkar, MN. Effects of different postharvest treatments on nutritional quality and shelf life of cucumber. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2020 February 02(01): 51-61.
Jahan, et al. “Effects of different postharvest treatments on nutritional quality and shelf life of cucumber”. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 02(01) (2020): 51-61.
Jahan, S. E., Hassan, M. K., Roy, S., Ahmed, Q. M., Hasan, G. N., Muna, A. Y. and Sarkar, M. N. (2020). Effects of different postharvest treatments on nutritional quality and shelf life of cucumber. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 02(01), 51-61.
Jahan, S. E., Hassan, M. K., Roy, S., Ahmed, Q. M., Hasan, G. N., Muna, A. Y. and Sarkar, M. N. “Effects of different postharvest treatments on nutritional quality and shelf life of cucumber”. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 02(01) (2020): 51-61.
Jahan, S. E., Hassan, M. K., Roy, S., Ahmed, Q. M., Hasan, G. N., Muna, A. Y. and Sarkar, M. N. 2020. Effects of different postharvest treatments on nutritional quality and shelf life of cucumber. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 02(01), pp. 51-61
Jahan, SE, Hassan, MK, Roy, S, Ahmed, QM, Hasan, GN, Muna, AY and Sarkar, MN. Effects of different postharvest treatments on nutritional quality and shelf life of cucumber. Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2020 February 02(01): 51-61.
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Asian Journal of Crop, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition EISSN 2706-5510.