International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research |
Farmer empowerment through development of ecotecnopreneurship by managing mix farming based on social capital
Imam Santosa (a) and Agus Suyanto (b)
aSociology Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia
bAgrotechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia
Int. J. Bus. Manag. Soc. Res. | Volume 03, Issue 01, pp. 140-147 | Available online: 14 December 2016
DOI: 10.18801/ijbmsr.030116.16
Farmer empowerment through development of ecotecnopreneurship by managing mix farming based on social capital
Imam Santosa (a) and Agus Suyanto (b)
aSociology Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia
bAgrotechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia
Int. J. Bus. Manag. Soc. Res. | Volume 03, Issue 01, pp. 140-147 | Available online: 14 December 2016
DOI: 10.18801/ijbmsr.030116.16 |
Title: Farmer empowerment through development of ecotecnopreneurship by managing mix farming based on social capital
This research aimed to study empowerment of farmers through development of ecotechnopreneurship behavior by managing mix farming based on the social capital. Research method used a case study with qualitative and quantitative approach. Locations of research are set intentionally in the Agrotourism Zone of Karangreja District, Purbalingga Regency and Agrotourism Zone Baturaden District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province. Based on survey results revealed that social capital have important functions in the process of empowerment of farmers through development of ecotechnopreneurship behavior in managing mix farming. Third element of social capital, that has studied closely related to mutual trust, cooperation networking, social norms and institutitons in the community in two agro zone. However, in some productive activity there is domination of different functions among the three elements.
Key Words: Farmer empowerment, Development, Ecotechnopreneurship and Social capital
This research aimed to study empowerment of farmers through development of ecotechnopreneurship behavior by managing mix farming based on the social capital. Research method used a case study with qualitative and quantitative approach. Locations of research are set intentionally in the Agrotourism Zone of Karangreja District, Purbalingga Regency and Agrotourism Zone Baturaden District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province. Based on survey results revealed that social capital have important functions in the process of empowerment of farmers through development of ecotechnopreneurship behavior in managing mix farming. Third element of social capital, that has studied closely related to mutual trust, cooperation networking, social norms and institutitons in the community in two agro zone. However, in some productive activity there is domination of different functions among the three elements.
Key Words: Farmer empowerment, Development, Ecotechnopreneurship and Social capital
APA (American Psychological Association)
Santosa, I. & Suyanto, A. (2016). Farmer empowerment through development of ecotecnopreneurship by managing mix farming based on social capital. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 03(01), 140-147.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Santosa, I. & Suyanto, A. “Farmer empowerment through development of ecotecnopreneurship by managing mix farming based on social capital’’. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 03(01) (2016): 140-147.
Santosa, I. & Suyanto, A. Farmer empowerment through development of ecotecnopreneurship by managing mix farming based on social capital. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 03, no. (01) (2016): 140-147.
Santosa, I. & Suyanto, A. (2016). Farmer empowerment through development of ecotecnopreneurship by managing mix farming based on social capital. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 03(01), 140-147.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Santosa, I. & Suyanto, A. “Farmer empowerment through development of ecotecnopreneurship by managing mix farming based on social capital’’. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 03(01) (2016): 140-147.
Santosa, I. & Suyanto, A. Farmer empowerment through development of ecotecnopreneurship by managing mix farming based on social capital. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 03, no. (01) (2016): 140-147.
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