International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research |
Training skill needs of secondary school agricultural science graduate in fish farming in Ebonyi state, Nigeria
Ituma, O. E. and Ukah, N. J.
Dept. of Technology and Vocational Education, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Ebonyi, Nigeria
Article information:
Received: 07.04.17, Revised: 17.06.17 and Published online: 14.08.2017.
Int. J. Bus. Manag. Soc. Res. | Volume 03, Issue 02, pp. 186-191
Training skill needs of secondary school agricultural science graduate in fish farming in Ebonyi state, Nigeria
Ituma, O. E. and Ukah, N. J.
Dept. of Technology and Vocational Education, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Ebonyi, Nigeria
Article information:
Received: 07.04.17, Revised: 17.06.17 and Published online: 14.08.2017.
Int. J. Bus. Manag. Soc. Res. | Volume 03, Issue 02, pp. 186-191
Crossref: |
Title: Training skill needs of secondary school agricultural science graduate in fish farming in Ebonyi state, Nigeria
Abstract: The study identified training skill needs of Secondary School Agricultural Science Graduates in Fish farming in Ebonyi State. The secondary school graduate was on increase yearly and yet unemployed, but without employable training skills, to reduce unemployment in Ebonyi State. The study was carried out in three agricultural zone, in Ebonyi State. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population for the study was (185) made up of 150 agricultural science teachers, 25 fish farmers in the 3 agricultural zones and 10 extension agents. There is no sampling because of its manageable population. Four research questions was formulated to guided the study. The instrument used in data collection was structured questionnaire developed by the researcher. The instrument was validated by 3 experts, one in measurement and evaluation, in Science Education Department and two in Technology and Vocational Education Department, Agricultural Education unit in the sane faculty and university. Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient was used to test for the internal consistency of the instrument, which yielded 0.79. The instrument was administered to the respondents with the help of three research assistants, one in each agricultural zone. The data collected were analyzed using mean score and standard deviations. The results in table 1, 2, 3 all the items were needed with mean score of 2.50 and above while in table 4, two item 6 and 7 statement scored below 2.50, which was not needed, as training skills. Among the recommendations made was that government should use the identified training skills in training unemployed youth in fish farming in three agricultural zones in Ebonyi state.
Key Words: Training skills, Secondary school, Agricultural graduate and Fish farming
Abstract: The study identified training skill needs of Secondary School Agricultural Science Graduates in Fish farming in Ebonyi State. The secondary school graduate was on increase yearly and yet unemployed, but without employable training skills, to reduce unemployment in Ebonyi State. The study was carried out in three agricultural zone, in Ebonyi State. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population for the study was (185) made up of 150 agricultural science teachers, 25 fish farmers in the 3 agricultural zones and 10 extension agents. There is no sampling because of its manageable population. Four research questions was formulated to guided the study. The instrument used in data collection was structured questionnaire developed by the researcher. The instrument was validated by 3 experts, one in measurement and evaluation, in Science Education Department and two in Technology and Vocational Education Department, Agricultural Education unit in the sane faculty and university. Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient was used to test for the internal consistency of the instrument, which yielded 0.79. The instrument was administered to the respondents with the help of three research assistants, one in each agricultural zone. The data collected were analyzed using mean score and standard deviations. The results in table 1, 2, 3 all the items were needed with mean score of 2.50 and above while in table 4, two item 6 and 7 statement scored below 2.50, which was not needed, as training skills. Among the recommendations made was that government should use the identified training skills in training unemployed youth in fish farming in three agricultural zones in Ebonyi state.
Key Words: Training skills, Secondary school, Agricultural graduate and Fish farming
APA (American Psychological Association)
Ituma, O. E. and Ukah, N. J. (2017). Training skill needs of secondary school agricultural science graduate in fish farming in Ebonyi state, Nigeria. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 03(02), 186-191.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Ituma, O. E. and Ukah, N. J. “Training skill needs of secondary school agricultural science graduate in fish farming in Ebonyi state, Nigeria’’. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 03(02) (2017): 186-191.
Chicago and or Turabian
Ituma, O. E. and Ukah, N. J. Training skill needs of secondary school agricultural science graduate in fish farming in Ebonyi state, Nigeria. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 03, no. (02) (2017): 186-191.
APA (American Psychological Association)
Ituma, O. E. and Ukah, N. J. (2017). Training skill needs of secondary school agricultural science graduate in fish farming in Ebonyi state, Nigeria. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 03(02), 186-191.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Ituma, O. E. and Ukah, N. J. “Training skill needs of secondary school agricultural science graduate in fish farming in Ebonyi state, Nigeria’’. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 03(02) (2017): 186-191.
Chicago and or Turabian
Ituma, O. E. and Ukah, N. J. Training skill needs of secondary school agricultural science graduate in fish farming in Ebonyi state, Nigeria. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 03, no. (02) (2017): 186-191.
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