Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research |
Research article:
RAPD analysis of phomopsis fruit rot resistance in eggplant advanced lines
Marzia Bilkiss (a), Rahat Akhter (a), Mirza Mofazzal Islam (b), M. Ibrahim Khalil (c) and M. Bahadur Meah (a)
aDept. of Plant Pathology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
bPlant Breeding Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Mymensingh
cPlant Pathology Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
J. bios. agric. res., volume 06, issue 01, pp. 530-540 | Available online: 14 January 2016
RAPD analysis of phomopsis fruit rot resistance in eggplant advanced lines
Marzia Bilkiss (a), Rahat Akhter (a), Mirza Mofazzal Islam (b), M. Ibrahim Khalil (c) and M. Bahadur Meah (a)
aDept. of Plant Pathology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
bPlant Breeding Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Mymensingh
cPlant Pathology Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
J. bios. agric. res., volume 06, issue 01, pp. 530-540 | Available online: 14 January 2016

rapd_analysis_of_phomopsis_fruit_rot_resistance_in_eggplant_advanced_lines_version__1.1_.pdf |
Abstract: Ten lines of eggplant (F3 to F7) derived from the crossing BAU Begun-1(resistant variety) with Dohazari G and Laffa S (susceptible cultivars) were evaluated for disease resistance and genotypic performances. Two lines of different characters from each generations were selected and inoculated with Phomopsis vexans under confined field condition at fruiting stage. The inoculated genotypes exhibited differential disease reaction. Per-cent fruit infection ranged from 2.77% to 4.1%. All the lines were found to be resistant to phomopsis fruit rot indicating the inheritance of resistance trait of donor parent BAU begun-1 to the offspring. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was used as a tool for assessing genetic variation and relationships among the genotypes. Amplification with three decamer primers generated 13 bands of which 11 (84.62%) were polymorphic. The highest intra-variety similarity indices (Si) value was found for Laffa purple globose of F7 plants and Dohazari green long of F4. The coefficient of gene differentiation (Gst) was 1.00 reflecting the existence of high level of genetic variations among the genotypes. Comparatively higher genetic distance (0.7466) was observed between Dohazari green long of F6 vs Laffa green globose of F6 and the higher genetic identity (0.9870) was found in Dohazari green long of F6 vs Laffa green globose of F5. The dendrogram (UPGMA) constructed from Nei’s genetic distance produced two main clusters of the ten genotypes. The advanced lines can be released as variety after yield trial and also the genetic variation and relatedness to disease reaction as assessed using RAPD marker could be potential sources for further development of P. vexans resistant variety in terms of fruit color and shape.
Key words: Eggplant, Fruit rot resistance, Phomopsis vexans and RAPD
Key words: Eggplant, Fruit rot resistance, Phomopsis vexans and RAPD
APA (American Psychological Association)
Bilkiss, M., Akhter, R., Islam, M. M., Khalil, M. I. & Meah, M. B. (2016). RAPD analysis of phomopsis fruit rot resistance in eggplant advanced lines. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 06(01), 530-540.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Bilkiss, M., Akhter, R., Islam, M. M., Khalil, M. I. & Meah, M. B. “RAPD analysis of phomopsis fruit rot resistance in eggplant advanced lines.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 06.01 (2016): 530-540.
Bilkiss, M., Akhter, R., Islam, M. M., Khalil, M. I. & Meah, M. B. “RAPD analysis of phomopsis fruit rot resistance in eggplant advanced lines.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 06, no. 01 (2016): 530-540.
Bilkiss, M., Akhter, R., Islam, M. M., Khalil, M. I. & Meah, M. B. (2016). RAPD analysis of phomopsis fruit rot resistance in eggplant advanced lines. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 06(01), 530-540.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Bilkiss, M., Akhter, R., Islam, M. M., Khalil, M. I. & Meah, M. B. “RAPD analysis of phomopsis fruit rot resistance in eggplant advanced lines.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 06.01 (2016): 530-540.
Bilkiss, M., Akhter, R., Islam, M. M., Khalil, M. I. & Meah, M. B. “RAPD analysis of phomopsis fruit rot resistance in eggplant advanced lines.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 06, no. 01 (2016): 530-540.
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