J. Bios. Agric. Res. | Volume 18, Issue 01, 1470-1477| https://doi.org/10.18801/jbar.180118.182
Article type: Research article, Received: 10.07.2018, Revised: 29.10.2018, Date of Publication: 14 Decedmber 2018.
Article type: Research article, Received: 10.07.2018, Revised: 29.10.2018, Date of Publication: 14 Decedmber 2018.
Energy use pattern in wheat production in the Gezira and Rahad Schemes, Sudan
Abdelkarim D. Elfadil
Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Science, University of Gezira, Sudan.
This study was conducted to investigate the energy use pattern for wheat production in the Gezira and Rahad Agricultural schemes, Sudan in relation to various aspects of energy consumption. Input data and yield of wheat were collected from the record of the schemes. Results showed that the total energy inputs and output of wheat were 13493.36 and 71038.75 MJ/ha, respectively. Based on these results the amount of energy use efficiency and the specific energy were 5.26 and 14.91, respectively, and the amount of energy productivity and net energy were 0.203kg/MJ and 57545.39MJ, respectively. The share of renewable energy as one of the sustainability indexes of agricultural systems was 21.54% (man labor and seeds) and 78.46 nonrenewable (fuel, chemicals, machinery and water). 40.27% was direct energy (human labor, fuel and water) and 59.46 as indirect energy (seeds chemicals and machinery). Therefore, for sustainability, the country should increase the share of renewable energy through using animal manure and agricultural residue compost.
Key Words
Wheat, Energy use, Inputs, Output and Sustainability
Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Science, University of Gezira, Sudan.
This study was conducted to investigate the energy use pattern for wheat production in the Gezira and Rahad Agricultural schemes, Sudan in relation to various aspects of energy consumption. Input data and yield of wheat were collected from the record of the schemes. Results showed that the total energy inputs and output of wheat were 13493.36 and 71038.75 MJ/ha, respectively. Based on these results the amount of energy use efficiency and the specific energy were 5.26 and 14.91, respectively, and the amount of energy productivity and net energy were 0.203kg/MJ and 57545.39MJ, respectively. The share of renewable energy as one of the sustainability indexes of agricultural systems was 21.54% (man labor and seeds) and 78.46 nonrenewable (fuel, chemicals, machinery and water). 40.27% was direct energy (human labor, fuel and water) and 59.46 as indirect energy (seeds chemicals and machinery). Therefore, for sustainability, the country should increase the share of renewable energy through using animal manure and agricultural residue compost.
Key Words
Wheat, Energy use, Inputs, Output and Sustainability
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Elfadil, A. D. “Energy use pattern in wheat production in the Gezira and Rahad Schemes, Sudan.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research 18(01) (2018): 1470-1477.
Elfadil, A. D. (2018). Energy use pattern in wheat production in the Gezira and Rahad Schemes, Sudan. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 18(01), 1470-1477.
Elfadil, A. D. “Energy use pattern in wheat production in the Gezira and Rahad Schemes, Sudan.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research 18(01) (2018): 1470-1477.
Elfadil, A. D. 2018. Energy use pattern in wheat production in the Gezira and Rahad Schemes, Sudan. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 18(01), pp. 1470-1477.
Elfadil, AD. Energy use pattern in wheat production in the Gezira and Rahad Schemes, Sudan. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research. 2018 December 18(01): 1470-1477.
Elfadil, A. D. “Energy use pattern in wheat production in the Gezira and Rahad Schemes, Sudan.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research 18(01) (2018): 1470-1477.
Elfadil, A. D. (2018). Energy use pattern in wheat production in the Gezira and Rahad Schemes, Sudan. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 18(01), 1470-1477.
Elfadil, A. D. “Energy use pattern in wheat production in the Gezira and Rahad Schemes, Sudan.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research 18(01) (2018): 1470-1477.
Elfadil, A. D. 2018. Energy use pattern in wheat production in the Gezira and Rahad Schemes, Sudan. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 18(01), pp. 1470-1477.
Elfadil, AD. Energy use pattern in wheat production in the Gezira and Rahad Schemes, Sudan. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research. 2018 December 18(01): 1470-1477.
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