J. Bios. Agric. Res. | Volume 18, Issue 01, 1488-1495| https://doi.org/10.18801/jbar.180118.184
Article type: Research article, Received: 15.09.2018, Revised: 24.10.2018, Date of Publication: 14 December 2018.
Article type: Research article, Received: 15.09.2018, Revised: 24.10.2018, Date of Publication: 14 December 2018.
Effects of Bradyrhizobium on growth nodulation and nitrogen uptake by Akashmoni
F. M. M. Hossain (1,2), M. H. Mian (1), M. R. Islam (1) and C. K. Mahapatra (2)
1 Department of Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University. Mymensingh, Bangladesh
2 Planning Commission, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
3 Upazila Agriculture Office, Kendua, Netrokona
Bacteria were isolated and characterized from the root nodules of Akashmoni (Acacia nilotica) to study their effects on growth parameters, nodulation and N uptake by sapling of Akashmoni. Five isolates were obtained from Akashmoni and were identified them as Bradyrhizobium on the basis of their colony, morphological and biochemical characteristics. A pot experiments were conducted by using 6 treatments, comprising 5 isolates of Bradyrhizobium and an uninoculated control to evaluate the performance of the isolates. The experiment was laid out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 replications. Statistically higher values for all the parameters were obtained from Bradyrhizobium inoculation over uninoculated control (T1) except leaf number plant-1 at 30 DAS. The highest value of plant height (cm plant-1) and leaf number plant-1 at 60 DAS were recorded as 30.33 cm plant-1 and 12.67 plant-1, respectively due to the treatment T3 (AN-R-2). The highest nodule numbers plant-1 and dry weight of nodule (mg plant-1) were also noted as 134.7 plant-1 and 76.6 mg plant-1 for the same treatment. The highest root, shoot and total dry matter yields of Akashmoni were also found for the same treatment T3 (AN-R-2). The total dry matter yield of Akashmoni was increased by 149, 198, 144, 55 and 82 % over control due to T2 (AN-R-1), T3 (AN-R-2), T4 (AN-R-3), T5 (AN-R-4) and T6 (AN-R-5), respectively. The total N in shoot showed a similar pattern and corresponding increase in N uptake by shoots were 191, 396, 285, 80 and 242 %, respectively. Considering all the parameters the isolate T3 (AN-R-2) showed the best performance.
Key Words
Akashmoni, Bradyrhizobium and Nitrogen uptake
1 Department of Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University. Mymensingh, Bangladesh
2 Planning Commission, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
3 Upazila Agriculture Office, Kendua, Netrokona
Bacteria were isolated and characterized from the root nodules of Akashmoni (Acacia nilotica) to study their effects on growth parameters, nodulation and N uptake by sapling of Akashmoni. Five isolates were obtained from Akashmoni and were identified them as Bradyrhizobium on the basis of their colony, morphological and biochemical characteristics. A pot experiments were conducted by using 6 treatments, comprising 5 isolates of Bradyrhizobium and an uninoculated control to evaluate the performance of the isolates. The experiment was laid out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 replications. Statistically higher values for all the parameters were obtained from Bradyrhizobium inoculation over uninoculated control (T1) except leaf number plant-1 at 30 DAS. The highest value of plant height (cm plant-1) and leaf number plant-1 at 60 DAS were recorded as 30.33 cm plant-1 and 12.67 plant-1, respectively due to the treatment T3 (AN-R-2). The highest nodule numbers plant-1 and dry weight of nodule (mg plant-1) were also noted as 134.7 plant-1 and 76.6 mg plant-1 for the same treatment. The highest root, shoot and total dry matter yields of Akashmoni were also found for the same treatment T3 (AN-R-2). The total dry matter yield of Akashmoni was increased by 149, 198, 144, 55 and 82 % over control due to T2 (AN-R-1), T3 (AN-R-2), T4 (AN-R-3), T5 (AN-R-4) and T6 (AN-R-5), respectively. The total N in shoot showed a similar pattern and corresponding increase in N uptake by shoots were 191, 396, 285, 80 and 242 %, respectively. Considering all the parameters the isolate T3 (AN-R-2) showed the best performance.
Key Words
Akashmoni, Bradyrhizobium and Nitrogen uptake
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Article Citations
Hossain et al. "Effects of Bradyrhizobium on Growth Nodulation and Nitrogen Uptake by Akashmoni." Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research 18(1) (2018): 1488-95.
Hossain, F. M. M., Mian, M. H., Islam, M. R., & Mahapatra, C. K. (2018). Effects of Bradyrhizobium on growth nodulation and nitrogen uptake by akashmoni. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 18(1), 1488-1495.
Hossain, F. M. M., M. H. Mian, M. R. Islam, and C. K. Mahapatra. "Effects of Bradyrhizobium on growth nodulation and nitrogen uptake by akashmoni." Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research no. 18 (1) (2018):1488-1495.
Hossain, F. M. M., Mian, M. H., Islam, M. R. & Mahapatra, C. K. 2018. Effects of Bradyrhizobium on growth nodulation and nitrogen uptake by akashmoni. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 18 (01), pp. 1488-1495.
Hossain FMM, Mian MH, Islam MR, Mahapatra CK. Effects of Bradyrhizobium on growth nodulation and nitrogen uptake by akashmoni. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research. 2018 December 18(1):1488-95.
Hossain et al. "Effects of Bradyrhizobium on Growth Nodulation and Nitrogen Uptake by Akashmoni." Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research 18(1) (2018): 1488-95.
Hossain, F. M. M., Mian, M. H., Islam, M. R., & Mahapatra, C. K. (2018). Effects of Bradyrhizobium on growth nodulation and nitrogen uptake by akashmoni. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 18(1), 1488-1495.
Hossain, F. M. M., M. H. Mian, M. R. Islam, and C. K. Mahapatra. "Effects of Bradyrhizobium on growth nodulation and nitrogen uptake by akashmoni." Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research no. 18 (1) (2018):1488-1495.
Hossain, F. M. M., Mian, M. H., Islam, M. R. & Mahapatra, C. K. 2018. Effects of Bradyrhizobium on growth nodulation and nitrogen uptake by akashmoni. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 18 (01), pp. 1488-1495.
Hossain FMM, Mian MH, Islam MR, Mahapatra CK. Effects of Bradyrhizobium on growth nodulation and nitrogen uptake by akashmoni. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research. 2018 December 18(1):1488-95.
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Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, EISSN 2312-7945.