J. Bios. Agric. Res. | Volume 18, Issue 02, 1531-1538| https://doi.org/10.18801/jbar.180218.188
Article type: Research article, Received: 17.10.2018, Revised: 06.12.2018, Date of Publication: 14 December 2018.
Article type: Research article, Received: 17.10.2018, Revised: 06.12.2018, Date of Publication: 14 December 2018.
Status of household food insecurity in Bajura district of Nepal
Keshav Prasad Shrestha 1, Rabin Giri 2, Sujan Mishra 2 and Jiban Shrestha 3
1 Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), Socioeconomics Agriculture Research Policy Division
(SARPOD), Khumaltar, Nepal
2 Regional Agricultural Research Station, NARC, Doti, Nepal
3 National Commercial Agriculture Research Program, NARC, Pakhribas, Dhankuta, Nepal.
Food insecurity is a condition of limited food availability owing to a lack of money and resources.The study examined the household food insecurity status along with its affecting factors in Bajura district Nepal. Purposive and simple random sampling procedure was used in selecting 120 household respondents of Budhiganga and Triveni Municipality. Data were collected during June-July 2018 with the use of interview schedule and structured and semi-structured questionnaires. The Household Food Insecurity Access Scale was used to assess the food insecurity status. The result revealed that 55% of the households were food insecure comprising 33.34%, 15% and 6.66% as mildly, moderately and severely food insecure respectively. Similarly, ordered Probit regression model was used for assessing determinants of household food insecurity using the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale as the dependent variable which showed that average annual income, amount of rice, family size, and distance to nearby market were found significantly determining the food insecurity level. The months of March, June and July were found most shortage for food grains in the study area. The identified constraints were drought, rare use of improved farm technology, low farm and off farm income and poor agriculture extension services leading to food shortage. The study recommends on agricultural policies aiming at promoting farmers access to irrigation facility, improving farm household productivity and market access as well as farmers be provided with extension services and non-farm income generating activities.
Key Words: Food insecurity, Socio-economic characteristics, Household and Sampling
1 Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), Socioeconomics Agriculture Research Policy Division
(SARPOD), Khumaltar, Nepal
2 Regional Agricultural Research Station, NARC, Doti, Nepal
3 National Commercial Agriculture Research Program, NARC, Pakhribas, Dhankuta, Nepal.
Food insecurity is a condition of limited food availability owing to a lack of money and resources.The study examined the household food insecurity status along with its affecting factors in Bajura district Nepal. Purposive and simple random sampling procedure was used in selecting 120 household respondents of Budhiganga and Triveni Municipality. Data were collected during June-July 2018 with the use of interview schedule and structured and semi-structured questionnaires. The Household Food Insecurity Access Scale was used to assess the food insecurity status. The result revealed that 55% of the households were food insecure comprising 33.34%, 15% and 6.66% as mildly, moderately and severely food insecure respectively. Similarly, ordered Probit regression model was used for assessing determinants of household food insecurity using the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale as the dependent variable which showed that average annual income, amount of rice, family size, and distance to nearby market were found significantly determining the food insecurity level. The months of March, June and July were found most shortage for food grains in the study area. The identified constraints were drought, rare use of improved farm technology, low farm and off farm income and poor agriculture extension services leading to food shortage. The study recommends on agricultural policies aiming at promoting farmers access to irrigation facility, improving farm household productivity and market access as well as farmers be provided with extension services and non-farm income generating activities.
Key Words: Food insecurity, Socio-economic characteristics, Household and Sampling
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Shrestha, K. P. et al. “Status of household food insecurity in Bajura district of Nepal”. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research 18(02) (2018): 1531-1538.
Shrestha, K. P., Giri, R., Mishra, S. and Shrestha, J. (2018). Status of household food insecurity in Bajura district of Nepal. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 18(02), 1531-1538.
Shrestha, K. P., Giri, R., Mishra, S. and Shrestha, J. “Status of household food insecurity in Bajura district of Nepal”. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research 18(02) (2018): 1531-1538.
Shrestha, K. P., Giri, R., Mishra, S. and Shrestha, J. 2018. Status of household food insecurity in Bajura district of Nepal. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 18(02), pp. 1531-1538.
Shrestha, KP, Giri, R, Mishra, S and Shrestha, J. Status of household food insecurity in Bajura district of Nepal. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research. 2018 December 18(02): 1531-1538.
Shrestha, K. P. et al. “Status of household food insecurity in Bajura district of Nepal”. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research 18(02) (2018): 1531-1538.
Shrestha, K. P., Giri, R., Mishra, S. and Shrestha, J. (2018). Status of household food insecurity in Bajura district of Nepal. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 18(02), 1531-1538.
Shrestha, K. P., Giri, R., Mishra, S. and Shrestha, J. “Status of household food insecurity in Bajura district of Nepal”. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research 18(02) (2018): 1531-1538.
Shrestha, K. P., Giri, R., Mishra, S. and Shrestha, J. 2018. Status of household food insecurity in Bajura district of Nepal. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 18(02), pp. 1531-1538.
Shrestha, KP, Giri, R, Mishra, S and Shrestha, J. Status of household food insecurity in Bajura district of Nepal. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research. 2018 December 18(02): 1531-1538.
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Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, EISSN 2312-7945.