J. Biosci. Agric. Res. | Volume 21, Issue 01, 1749-1754| https://doi.org/10.18801/jbar.210119.213
Article type: Research article|Received: 14.02.2019, Revised: 04.05.2019, Date of Publication: 25 May 2019.
Article type: Research article|Received: 14.02.2019, Revised: 04.05.2019, Date of Publication: 25 May 2019.
Vaselife analysis of gladiolus using different vase solutions
P. Mishra and A. Khanal
Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Lamjung Campus, Sundar Bazar, Tribhuwan University, Nepal.
Corresponding author email: [email protected] (Pabitra Mishra).
Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Lamjung Campus, Sundar Bazar, Tribhuwan University, Nepal.
Corresponding author email: [email protected] (Pabitra Mishra).
The experiment was conducted in the Horticulture Laboratory of Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Lamjung, Nepal in order to identify the effect of the different vase solution on the postharvest life of gladiolus and to find out the best vase solution that enhance and prolongs the better flower quality and the longevity. Experiment was carried out with the nine treatment T1 (distilled water), T2 (150ppm HQS + 4% sucrose), T3 (250ppm citric acid), T4 (150ppm GA3 + 4% Sucrose), T5 (150ppm HQS+150ppm AgNO3 + 4% sucrose),T6 (4% sucrose), T7 (150ppm AgNO3 + 4% sucrose), T8 (250ppm citric acid + 4% sucrose), T9 (150ppm salicylic acid + 4% sucrose) under completely randomized design with three replications. Gladiolus (white friendship) spikes were harvested at 2-3 floret color break stage and two spikes after the slanting cut were kept in each vase. The vase solution 150ppm HQS + 150ppm AgNO3 + 4% sucrose showed maximum water uptake; longer days for basal floret senescence (8 days) with the maximum floret open during basal senescence (9.76), maximum flowering 83.20 %, minimum fresh weight loss(18.03% at 12 days) and the longest vase life of 15 days followed by 150ppm salicylic acid + 4% sucrose (11.67days), 250ppm citric acid + 4% sucrose (10.67 days) whereas short vase life of 5 days was observed in control. 150ppm HQS + 150ppm AgNO3 + 4% sucrose vase solution was found best to extend the vase life of gladiolus.
Key Words: Antimicrobial, Ethylene inhibitor, Gladiolus, Sucrose and Vaselife
The experiment was conducted in the Horticulture Laboratory of Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Lamjung, Nepal in order to identify the effect of the different vase solution on the postharvest life of gladiolus and to find out the best vase solution that enhance and prolongs the better flower quality and the longevity. Experiment was carried out with the nine treatment T1 (distilled water), T2 (150ppm HQS + 4% sucrose), T3 (250ppm citric acid), T4 (150ppm GA3 + 4% Sucrose), T5 (150ppm HQS+150ppm AgNO3 + 4% sucrose),T6 (4% sucrose), T7 (150ppm AgNO3 + 4% sucrose), T8 (250ppm citric acid + 4% sucrose), T9 (150ppm salicylic acid + 4% sucrose) under completely randomized design with three replications. Gladiolus (white friendship) spikes were harvested at 2-3 floret color break stage and two spikes after the slanting cut were kept in each vase. The vase solution 150ppm HQS + 150ppm AgNO3 + 4% sucrose showed maximum water uptake; longer days for basal floret senescence (8 days) with the maximum floret open during basal senescence (9.76), maximum flowering 83.20 %, minimum fresh weight loss(18.03% at 12 days) and the longest vase life of 15 days followed by 150ppm salicylic acid + 4% sucrose (11.67days), 250ppm citric acid + 4% sucrose (10.67 days) whereas short vase life of 5 days was observed in control. 150ppm HQS + 150ppm AgNO3 + 4% sucrose vase solution was found best to extend the vase life of gladiolus.
Key Words: Antimicrobial, Ethylene inhibitor, Gladiolus, Sucrose and Vaselife
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Article Citations
Mishra and Khanal. “Vaselife analysis of gladiolus using different vase solutions.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research 21(01) (2019): 1749-1754.
Mishra, P. and Khanal, A. (2019). Vaselife analysis of gladiolus using different vase solutions. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 21(01), 1749-1754.
Mishra, P. and Khanal, A. “Vaselife analysis of gladiolus using different vase solutions.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research 21(01) (2019): 1749-1754.
Mishra, P. and Khanal, A. 2019. Vaselife analysis of gladiolus using different vase solutions. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 21(01), pp. 1749-1754.
Mishra, P and Khanal, A. Vaselife analysis of gladiolus using different vase solutions. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research. 2019 May 21(01): 1749-1754.
Mishra and Khanal. “Vaselife analysis of gladiolus using different vase solutions.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research 21(01) (2019): 1749-1754.
Mishra, P. and Khanal, A. (2019). Vaselife analysis of gladiolus using different vase solutions. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 21(01), 1749-1754.
Mishra, P. and Khanal, A. “Vaselife analysis of gladiolus using different vase solutions.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research 21(01) (2019): 1749-1754.
Mishra, P. and Khanal, A. 2019. Vaselife analysis of gladiolus using different vase solutions. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 21(01), pp. 1749-1754.
Mishra, P and Khanal, A. Vaselife analysis of gladiolus using different vase solutions. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research. 2019 May 21(01): 1749-1754.
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Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research EISSN 2312-7945.