J. Biosci. Agric. Res. | Volume 23, Issue 02, 1957-1968 | https://doi.org/10.18801/jbar.230220.240
Article type: Research article | Received: 26.03.2020; Revised: 07.04.2020; First published online: 15 April 2020.
Article type: Research article | Received: 26.03.2020; Revised: 07.04.2020; First published online: 15 April 2020.
Prevalence and severity of different citrus diseases in Sylhet region
Tareq Ahmed 1, Abdul Muqit 1, Juel Datta 1, Mozammel Hoque 2 and Md. Kamrul Haque 1
1 Dept. of Plant Pathology and Seed Science, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet-3100.
2 Dept. of Agronomy and Haor Agriculture, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet-3100, Bangladesh.
✉ Corresponding author: [email protected] (Ahmed, T.).
1 Dept. of Plant Pathology and Seed Science, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet-3100.
2 Dept. of Agronomy and Haor Agriculture, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet-3100, Bangladesh.
✉ Corresponding author: [email protected] (Ahmed, T.).
Citrus is the World's premiere fruit crop infected by a large number of diseases and caused huge economic losses. A study was conducted from November to December 2014 at several citrus orchards of Sylhet, Bangladesh to find out the prevalence and intensity of diseases affecting different citrus species. In this study, 560 plants from seventeen citrus species were critically observed to collect data on the infection of diseases. Different citrus diseases were found among the studied population where greening, die-back, scab and canker of citrus were mostly prevailing diseases in this region. A significant variation in the disease incidence and severity was found among different species. Rough lemon demonstrated the highest susceptibility (95%) to citrus greening. But, die-back in combination with scab of citrus exhibited the maximum greening incidence in BARI satkara-1 (55%), followed by Mandarin (46.66%). The incidence of die-back was the highest in BARI kamala-1 followed by lime (93.3%). The scab of citrus showed the maximum incidence in BARI satkara-1 (50%). Alachilemon was found highly infected by canker of citrus showing 65% and 36% of incidence and severity respectively. Among all the studied citrus species, the overall disease incidence was found to be the lowest in Chinalemon. The study is a valued addition to the literature of citrus research and contributed significantly to the management of citrus disease.
Key Words: Citrus, Prevalence, Severity, Disease and Incidence
Citrus is the World's premiere fruit crop infected by a large number of diseases and caused huge economic losses. A study was conducted from November to December 2014 at several citrus orchards of Sylhet, Bangladesh to find out the prevalence and intensity of diseases affecting different citrus species. In this study, 560 plants from seventeen citrus species were critically observed to collect data on the infection of diseases. Different citrus diseases were found among the studied population where greening, die-back, scab and canker of citrus were mostly prevailing diseases in this region. A significant variation in the disease incidence and severity was found among different species. Rough lemon demonstrated the highest susceptibility (95%) to citrus greening. But, die-back in combination with scab of citrus exhibited the maximum greening incidence in BARI satkara-1 (55%), followed by Mandarin (46.66%). The incidence of die-back was the highest in BARI kamala-1 followed by lime (93.3%). The scab of citrus showed the maximum incidence in BARI satkara-1 (50%). Alachilemon was found highly infected by canker of citrus showing 65% and 36% of incidence and severity respectively. Among all the studied citrus species, the overall disease incidence was found to be the lowest in Chinalemon. The study is a valued addition to the literature of citrus research and contributed significantly to the management of citrus disease.
Key Words: Citrus, Prevalence, Severity, Disease and Incidence
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Ahmed, T. et al. “Prevalence and severity of different citrus diseases in Sylhet region”. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 23(02), (2020): 1957-1968.
Ahmed, T., Muqit, A., Datta, J., Haque, M. and Haque, M. K. (2020). Prevalence and severity of different citrus diseases in Sylhet region. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 23(02), 1957-1968.
Ahmed, T., Muqit, A., Datta, J., Haque, M. and Haque, M. K. “Prevalence and severity of different citrus diseases in Sylhet region”. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 23(02), (2020): 1957-1968.
Ahmed, T., Muqit, A., Datta, J., Haque, M. and Haque, M. K. 2020. Prevalence and severity of different citrus diseases in Sylhet region. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 23(02), pp. 1957-1968.
Ahmed, T, Muqit, A, Datta, J, Haque, M and Haque, MK. Prevalence and severity of different citrus diseases in Sylhet region. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research. 2020 April 23(02): 1957-1968.
Ahmed, T. et al. “Prevalence and severity of different citrus diseases in Sylhet region”. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 23(02), (2020): 1957-1968.
Ahmed, T., Muqit, A., Datta, J., Haque, M. and Haque, M. K. (2020). Prevalence and severity of different citrus diseases in Sylhet region. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 23(02), 1957-1968.
Ahmed, T., Muqit, A., Datta, J., Haque, M. and Haque, M. K. “Prevalence and severity of different citrus diseases in Sylhet region”. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 23(02), (2020): 1957-1968.
Ahmed, T., Muqit, A., Datta, J., Haque, M. and Haque, M. K. 2020. Prevalence and severity of different citrus diseases in Sylhet region. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 23(02), pp. 1957-1968.
Ahmed, T, Muqit, A, Datta, J, Haque, M and Haque, MK. Prevalence and severity of different citrus diseases in Sylhet region. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research. 2020 April 23(02): 1957-1968.
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Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research EISSN 2312-7945.