J. Biosci. Agric. Res. | Volume 27, Issue 01, 2217-2224 | https://doi.org/10.18801/jbar.270121.271
Article type: Research article | Received: 30.12.2020; Revised: 12.02.2021; First published online: 28 February, 2021.
Article type: Research article | Received: 30.12.2020; Revised: 12.02.2021; First published online: 28 February, 2021.
Egg quality and production constraints in smallholder egg value chain of Greater Port Harcourt City, Nigeria
Ingweye Julius Naligwu, Kalio Godfrey Adokiye and Ologbose Festus Imokhaide
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Port Harcourt, PMB 5323 Choba, East-West Road, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
✉ Corresponding author: [email protected] (Naligwu, IJ).
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Port Harcourt, PMB 5323 Choba, East-West Road, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
✉ Corresponding author: [email protected] (Naligwu, IJ).
The study evaluated the quality of eggs and constraints facing smallholder egg producers (≤10,000 layers) in Greater Port Harcourt City, Nigeria. Desk study, survey of 47 farmers, Focused Group Discussion with eight farmers and weighing of eggs were done at Obio-Akpor, Oyigbo and Etche Municipal Councils out of the eight in Greater Port Harcourt City. Farmers were administered pre-structured questionnaires. Open questions from a checklist were used for in-depth interviews with 22 stakeholders. Thirty eggs per grade were weighed using a digital scale. Numerical data were evaluated using the SPSS statistical package, while qualitative information was assessed using matrices and content analysis. Results indicate that most farmers (56%) sort and grade their eggs for better prices but time constraint discourages others from doing so. The size was the only egg grading criterion used. A five-grade system (jumbo, extra-large, large, small, and bullet) was used. The most important quality parameters were size (41%), shell colour (29%), cleanliness (28%) and weight (2%). Customers prefer brown-shelled (82%) eggs to white (15%). Significant constraints faced by farmers were input-based (high cost and low quality feed, drug breeds, veterinary services, lack of loans); management (staff misbehaviour) and infrastructure (bad roads and poor electricity supply) related. Other stakeholders face quality challenges (small size, dirty eggs, rotting of eggs, no uniformity, low or no grading, high returns rate), financing, egg handling and marketing challenges. Proffered solutions include better chain coordination, local sourcing of eggs, improved quality control, establishment of egg aggregation centres, and introduction of machine-based grading, grade-based pricing and reduction in local production costs. Others include formation of cooperatives and bulk input purchases, improved staff motivation and better quality control. Smallholders’ access to the egg market can be improved by producing brown-shelled eggs of large, extra-large and jumbo sizes.
Key Words: Grading, Input, Upgrading, Size, Colour and Challenges
The study evaluated the quality of eggs and constraints facing smallholder egg producers (≤10,000 layers) in Greater Port Harcourt City, Nigeria. Desk study, survey of 47 farmers, Focused Group Discussion with eight farmers and weighing of eggs were done at Obio-Akpor, Oyigbo and Etche Municipal Councils out of the eight in Greater Port Harcourt City. Farmers were administered pre-structured questionnaires. Open questions from a checklist were used for in-depth interviews with 22 stakeholders. Thirty eggs per grade were weighed using a digital scale. Numerical data were evaluated using the SPSS statistical package, while qualitative information was assessed using matrices and content analysis. Results indicate that most farmers (56%) sort and grade their eggs for better prices but time constraint discourages others from doing so. The size was the only egg grading criterion used. A five-grade system (jumbo, extra-large, large, small, and bullet) was used. The most important quality parameters were size (41%), shell colour (29%), cleanliness (28%) and weight (2%). Customers prefer brown-shelled (82%) eggs to white (15%). Significant constraints faced by farmers were input-based (high cost and low quality feed, drug breeds, veterinary services, lack of loans); management (staff misbehaviour) and infrastructure (bad roads and poor electricity supply) related. Other stakeholders face quality challenges (small size, dirty eggs, rotting of eggs, no uniformity, low or no grading, high returns rate), financing, egg handling and marketing challenges. Proffered solutions include better chain coordination, local sourcing of eggs, improved quality control, establishment of egg aggregation centres, and introduction of machine-based grading, grade-based pricing and reduction in local production costs. Others include formation of cooperatives and bulk input purchases, improved staff motivation and better quality control. Smallholders’ access to the egg market can be improved by producing brown-shelled eggs of large, extra-large and jumbo sizes.
Key Words: Grading, Input, Upgrading, Size, Colour and Challenges
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Article Citations:
Ingweye et al. “Egg quality and production constraints in smallholder egg value chain of Greater Port Harcourt City, Nigeria”. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 27(01), (2021): 2217-2224.
Ingweye, J. Naligwu, Kalio, G. Adokiye and Ologbose, F. Imokhaide (2021). Egg quality and production constraints in smallholder egg value chain of Greater Port Harcourt City, Nigeria. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 27(01), 2217-2224.
Ingweye, J. Naligwu, Kalio, G. Adokiye and Ologbose, F. Imokhaide “Egg quality and production constraints in smallholder egg value chain of Greater Port Harcourt City, Nigeria”. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 27(01), (2021): 2217-2224.
Ingweye, J. Naligwu, Kalio, G. Adokiye and Ologbose, F. Imokhaide 2021. Egg quality and production constraints in smallholder egg value chain of Greater Port Harcourt City, Nigeria. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 27(01), pp. 2217-2224.
Ingweye, J. Naligwu, Kalio, G. Adokiye and Ologbose, F. Imokhaide. Egg quality and production constraints in smallholder egg value chain of Greater Port Harcourt City, Nigeria. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 2021 February 27(01): 2217-2224.
Ingweye et al. “Egg quality and production constraints in smallholder egg value chain of Greater Port Harcourt City, Nigeria”. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 27(01), (2021): 2217-2224.
Ingweye, J. Naligwu, Kalio, G. Adokiye and Ologbose, F. Imokhaide (2021). Egg quality and production constraints in smallholder egg value chain of Greater Port Harcourt City, Nigeria. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 27(01), 2217-2224.
Ingweye, J. Naligwu, Kalio, G. Adokiye and Ologbose, F. Imokhaide “Egg quality and production constraints in smallholder egg value chain of Greater Port Harcourt City, Nigeria”. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 27(01), (2021): 2217-2224.
Ingweye, J. Naligwu, Kalio, G. Adokiye and Ologbose, F. Imokhaide 2021. Egg quality and production constraints in smallholder egg value chain of Greater Port Harcourt City, Nigeria. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 27(01), pp. 2217-2224.
Ingweye, J. Naligwu, Kalio, G. Adokiye and Ologbose, F. Imokhaide. Egg quality and production constraints in smallholder egg value chain of Greater Port Harcourt City, Nigeria. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 2021 February 27(01): 2217-2224.
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Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research EISSN 2312-7945.