Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics |
Research article:
Rainfall modelling of coastal areas in Bangladesh: extreme-value approach
Nasrin Sultana (1) and Rezaul Roni (2)
Dept. of Statistics, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), Gazipur-1706, Bangladesh (1)
Dept. of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University (JU), Bangladesh (2)
Volume 02, Issue 02, pp. 42-50 | Date of Publication: 31 December 2015
Rainfall modelling of coastal areas in Bangladesh: extreme-value approach
Nasrin Sultana (1) and Rezaul Roni (2)
Dept. of Statistics, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), Gazipur-1706, Bangladesh (1)
Dept. of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University (JU), Bangladesh (2)
Volume 02, Issue 02, pp. 42-50 | Date of Publication: 31 December 2015

rainfall_modelling_of_coastal_areas_in_bangladesh.pdf |
Abstract: A series of rainfall data over 48 years in the period 1966-2014 recorded at six different coastal regions in Bangladesh is modelled using extreme value distributions. In order to reduce destruction and loss of life and property, it is necessary to make proper inference about extreme rainfall. Generalized extreme value distributions (GEV) have been extensively used for this purpose. Fitting annual maximum rainfall according to the block maxima approach. Also generalized pareto distributions (GPD) are fitted to daily rainfall data considering peaks over thresholds (PoT) method. The return levels are the upper tail quantiles that expected to be exceeded once, on average in a given time levels also estimated for different return periods using both models. Assessment of the uncertainty in the estimates of return levels by constructing 95% confidence interval using both delta and profile likelihood methods but due to more accuracy, in this study only present profile likelihood estimate has been discussed.
Key words: Generalized extreme value distribution, Pareto distribution and return level
Key words: Generalized extreme value distribution, Pareto distribution and return level
APA (American Psychological Association)
Sultana, N. & Roni, R. (2015). Rainfall modelling of coastal areas in Bangladesh: extreme-value approach. Journal of Science, Technology & Environment Informatics, 02(02), 42–50.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Sultana, N. & Roni, R. “Rainfall modelling of coastal areas in Bangladesh: extreme-value approach.” Journal of Science, Technology & Environment Informatics, 02.02 (2015): 42-50.
Sultana, N. & Roni, R. “Rainfall modelling of coastal areas in Bangladesh: extreme-value approach.” Journal of Science, Technology & Environment Informatics, 02, no. 02 (2015): 42-50.
Sultana, N. & Roni, R. (2015). Rainfall modelling of coastal areas in Bangladesh: extreme-value approach. Journal of Science, Technology & Environment Informatics, 02(02), 42–50.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Sultana, N. & Roni, R. “Rainfall modelling of coastal areas in Bangladesh: extreme-value approach.” Journal of Science, Technology & Environment Informatics, 02.02 (2015): 42-50.
Sultana, N. & Roni, R. “Rainfall modelling of coastal areas in Bangladesh: extreme-value approach.” Journal of Science, Technology & Environment Informatics, 02, no. 02 (2015): 42-50.
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