Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics |
Influence of contamination of soil with heavy metal on the growth of three herbaceous plant species
C. E. Igwe (1), J. N. Azorji (2) and S. K. Iheagwam (3)
1Dept. of Forestry and Environmental Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike
2Dept. of Biological Sciences, Hezekiah University, Umudi, P.M.B 3002 IshialaUmudi, Imo State
3Dept. of Biological Sciences, Hezekiah University, Umudi, P.M.B 3002 IshialaUmudi, Imo State, Nigeria
Article info.
Received: 22.05.17, Revised: 05.08.17, Date of Publication: 14 October 2017.
J. Sci. Technol. Environ. Inform. | Volume 05, Issue 02, pp. 382-388
Influence of contamination of soil with heavy metal on the growth of three herbaceous plant species
C. E. Igwe (1), J. N. Azorji (2) and S. K. Iheagwam (3)
1Dept. of Forestry and Environmental Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike
2Dept. of Biological Sciences, Hezekiah University, Umudi, P.M.B 3002 IshialaUmudi, Imo State
3Dept. of Biological Sciences, Hezekiah University, Umudi, P.M.B 3002 IshialaUmudi, Imo State, Nigeria
Article info.
Received: 22.05.17, Revised: 05.08.17, Date of Publication: 14 October 2017.
J. Sci. Technol. Environ. Inform. | Volume 05, Issue 02, pp. 382-388
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Title: Influence of contamination of soil with heavy metal on the growth of three herbaceous plant species
Abstract: Contemporary literatures are awash with heavy metal contamination in soils as a source of global environmental concern. Cultivation of crops on these contaminated soils may result in accumulation of heavy metals resulting in possible risks on human health. For this reason, a pot experiment was conducted between May and August 2016 at the green house of the Department of Forestry and Environmental Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. The experiment was specifically aimed at evaluating the influence of kaoline mined soil samples on the growth of three herbaceous plant species (Chromolaena odorata, Ipomoea involucrata and Mariscus alternifolius) commonly found at abandoned kaolin mining site at Ohiya in Umuahia South East, Nigeria. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design with Six (6) replicates. Data were collected on plant height, number of leaves, fresh and dry weight. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Mean separations were done using Fisher LSD at 0.05% probability. Two mean values were subjected to studentized-t-test using statistical analytical system (SAS) software, version 8.0. The result showed that the kaolin mined soil sample significantly affected all the growth parameters measured during the study.
Key Words: Soil, Heavy metals, Herbaceous plants
Abstract: Contemporary literatures are awash with heavy metal contamination in soils as a source of global environmental concern. Cultivation of crops on these contaminated soils may result in accumulation of heavy metals resulting in possible risks on human health. For this reason, a pot experiment was conducted between May and August 2016 at the green house of the Department of Forestry and Environmental Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. The experiment was specifically aimed at evaluating the influence of kaoline mined soil samples on the growth of three herbaceous plant species (Chromolaena odorata, Ipomoea involucrata and Mariscus alternifolius) commonly found at abandoned kaolin mining site at Ohiya in Umuahia South East, Nigeria. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design with Six (6) replicates. Data were collected on plant height, number of leaves, fresh and dry weight. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Mean separations were done using Fisher LSD at 0.05% probability. Two mean values were subjected to studentized-t-test using statistical analytical system (SAS) software, version 8.0. The result showed that the kaolin mined soil sample significantly affected all the growth parameters measured during the study.
Key Words: Soil, Heavy metals, Herbaceous plants
APA (American Psychological Association)
Igwe, C. E., Azorji, J. N. and Iheagwam, S. K. (2017). Influence of contamination of soil with heavy metal on the growth of three herbaceous plant species. Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics, 05(02), 382-388.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Igwe, C. E., Azorji, J. N. and Iheagwam, S. K. “Influence of contamination of soil with heavy metal on the growth of three herbaceous plant species.” Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics, 05.02 (2017): 382-388.
Chicago and or Turabian
Igwe, C. E., Azorji, J. N. and Iheagwam, S. K. Influence of contamination of soil with heavy metal on the growth of three herbaceous plant species. Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics, 05, no. 02 (2017): 382-388.
APA (American Psychological Association)
Igwe, C. E., Azorji, J. N. and Iheagwam, S. K. (2017). Influence of contamination of soil with heavy metal on the growth of three herbaceous plant species. Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics, 05(02), 382-388.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Igwe, C. E., Azorji, J. N. and Iheagwam, S. K. “Influence of contamination of soil with heavy metal on the growth of three herbaceous plant species.” Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics, 05.02 (2017): 382-388.
Chicago and or Turabian
Igwe, C. E., Azorji, J. N. and Iheagwam, S. K. Influence of contamination of soil with heavy metal on the growth of three herbaceous plant species. Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics, 05, no. 02 (2017): 382-388.
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