Publication Fee
How to Pay Open Access Article Publication Fee?
Article Processing Charge (APC*) and or publication fee of the online journals to publish an article is listed below based on authorship and nationality. Editorial office possess the right to exert firm control on altering any terms of publication fee conditions. We accept Visa, Master Card, Paypal, Mobile Transfer and International Bank Wire Transfers. When an article is processed, before or after acceptance and authorized for online publication, a further payment instructions are provided to authors by email on how to proceed with payment of an article. We suggest you to made payment through online directly by Visa, Master Card or Paypal, you can use our secured payment gateway to complete a payment.
Publication fee payment via PayPal and Credit Cards:
For a paymnet please use any of the following options of payment and email us your receipt of payment. We acknowledge any payments within 5 business day to corresponing author or payee.
Payment Option 1.
Payment Option 2.
Paymnet Option 3. Bank Transfer, MoneyGram, Western Union
Authors can made their payment through international Bank Wire Transfer, please contact editorial office for bank details. While for other modes of payment including Bank Wire Transfer within Bangladesh, Bikash, International money transfer service provider such as Western Union, MoneyGram, Transfast etc. or through email transfer by Paypal, please send us an email to [email protected]. We will respond to you with further payment instructions where necessary on how to proceed with your specific payments by bank transfer or any other means for the payment of publication fee for articles.
Refund: If you are not satisfied with service and or you may need a refund, please contact us. We may issue a refund in favour of you, based on the status of an article but a handling fee may applied before the refund. You can also use your fund for incoming or pending article of you. Please note that we do not refund if an article found with substantial similarty and plagiarism from other published sources at any stage of publication.
Last update: 27 July 2022. *Additional terms and conditions may applied by editorial office as and where necessary. In case of international bank wire transfers, 10% additional processing charge may applied. All payment charges and tax that are applied during a payment belong to authors and or their institution. For any refund request contact us, terms of service applied for any request.
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