Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research
Effect of Nitrogen and Bradyrhizobium on Growth and Yield of Mungbean
M. E. Hossain, I. F. Chowdhury, M. Hasanuzzaman, S. Mazumder, M. A. Matin and R. Jerin
The objective of the present study was to investigate the comparative roles of nitrogen (50 kg ha-1) and inoculums Bradyrhizobium (1.5 kg ha-1) in improving the yield of two mungbean varieties (BARI mung-5 and BARI mung-6). The experiment was carried out during the period from April 2011 to July 2011 at the Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU) Farm, Dhaka. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications and plot size was 8 m2 with 30 cm line spacing. The Bradyrhizobium strain BARI RVr-403 was used for the experiment. The recommended dose of TSP, MOP and Gypsum were applied in each plot. BARI Mung-6 performed higher stover and seed yield than BARI Mung-5. Bradyrhizobium inoculation significantly increased 1000-seed weight, pods plant-1, seeds pod-1, stover and seed yield. BARI Mung-6 with Bradyrhizobium inoculation recorded the highest seed and stover yield compared to other treatment combinations. Non-inoculated BARI Mung-5 gave the lowest yield.
Keywords: Mungbean, Biofertilizer, Nitrogenous fertilizer and Yield
The objective of the present study was to investigate the comparative roles of nitrogen (50 kg ha-1) and inoculums Bradyrhizobium (1.5 kg ha-1) in improving the yield of two mungbean varieties (BARI mung-5 and BARI mung-6). The experiment was carried out during the period from April 2011 to July 2011 at the Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU) Farm, Dhaka. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications and plot size was 8 m2 with 30 cm line spacing. The Bradyrhizobium strain BARI RVr-403 was used for the experiment. The recommended dose of TSP, MOP and Gypsum were applied in each plot. BARI Mung-6 performed higher stover and seed yield than BARI Mung-5. Bradyrhizobium inoculation significantly increased 1000-seed weight, pods plant-1, seeds pod-1, stover and seed yield. BARI Mung-6 with Bradyrhizobium inoculation recorded the highest seed and stover yield compared to other treatment combinations. Non-inoculated BARI Mung-5 gave the lowest yield.
Keywords: Mungbean, Biofertilizer, Nitrogenous fertilizer and Yield

Effect of Nitrogen and Bradyrhizobium on Growth and Yield of Mungbean.pdf |
Citation for this article:
Hossain, M. E., Chowdhury, I. F., Hasanuzzaman, M., Mazumder, S., Matin, M. A. & Jerin, R. (2014). Performance of Nitrogen and Bradyrhizobium on Growth and Yield of Mungbean. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 01(02), 79-83.
Hossain, M. E., Chowdhury, I. F., Hasanuzzaman, M., Mazumder, S., Matin, M. A. & Jerin, R. (2014). Performance of Nitrogen and Bradyrhizobium on Growth and Yield of Mungbean. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 01(02), 79-83.
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