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Journal Publisher Information
Journal BiNET is a fastest growing scientific community driven publishing platform that publishes peer review articles of multidisciplinary fields which are scholarly and open access for greater readership. We publish original research paper, review paper, case study, technical report, perspectives, letters, short communication in our featured online peer review journals. We have an established and comprehensive full service system for publication of articles that make sure processing and publication faster and easier for authors, where indexing and greater audience readership is ensured globally. To be more precise, starting from online submission of an article, we attempt rapid processing and initial acceptance, then extended review and editorial tasks before the final acceptance and electronic version of publication. Our international journals promote food security and scientific research by providing free access to articles and contribute in knowledge development in broader areas of life sciences, biosciences, agricultural sciences, forestry, ecology, fisheries, livestock, genetics, natural science, applied science, molecular science, medical science, information and technology, engineering, business and management, social science and environmental bioinformatics.
The outmost focus of our journals is on publishing latest and high quality scientific research and experimental findings. All article published in our journals receive citations because of our fully automated open access policy which is highly integrated with indexing authority, bibliographic integration, email sharing, social sharing, abstract view, full text view and PDF download facility. Our journal editorial board members comprises national and international intellectuals from reputed university, institutions and research organizations across the world. Besides, editorial board members are included based on subjects and specializations; such as for review and editorial tasks of an article on agronomy, we have agronomist; for review and editorial tasks of an article on horticulture, we have horticulturist; likewise for articles on plant breeding and biotechnology, we have plant breeder and biotechnology specialist in our editorial board; these as examples for instance. This means for each online journal, we have formulated review and editorial board based on aim and scope of the journal. Review and editorial board members expect innovative ideas and findings in manuscript of authors, and where necessary suggest and help authors how to improve their articles. Journal BiNET properly follows ethics of article publishing standards such as efficient and fair review process, maintains confidentiality in a peer review process and disclosure for conflicts of interest by reviewer.
All our journals operate as Open Access (OA). Therefore, adopts the standard open access business model where authors pay the Article Publishing Fees (APF) to allow anyone to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of their article for free immediately after publication.
Journal BiNET aims to be a leading web based article publishing outlet for the researchers, scientists, students and scholars for their scholastic and academic works. A qualified boards of editors and reviewers have been formulated to reduce editorial turnaround time and thus, encourage submissions of the highest quality papers. Our journals specially intends to encourage researches and findings of the young researchers who are not yet established in their profession; and bear the potential and promise to become an adept scientist in the coming future.
The website contents are edited and updated when necessary by the executive editors and or management of journals from the place of publication and or editorial head office situated in Baluadanga, Dinajpur-5200, Bangladesh. Style and content of the website with text, icons, images etc. are copyrighted unless otherwise mentioned. Use of any content in any form is prohibited. Moreover, our journals use a Creative Commons License.
The outmost focus of our journals is on publishing latest and high quality scientific research and experimental findings. All article published in our journals receive citations because of our fully automated open access policy which is highly integrated with indexing authority, bibliographic integration, email sharing, social sharing, abstract view, full text view and PDF download facility. Our journal editorial board members comprises national and international intellectuals from reputed university, institutions and research organizations across the world. Besides, editorial board members are included based on subjects and specializations; such as for review and editorial tasks of an article on agronomy, we have agronomist; for review and editorial tasks of an article on horticulture, we have horticulturist; likewise for articles on plant breeding and biotechnology, we have plant breeder and biotechnology specialist in our editorial board; these as examples for instance. This means for each online journal, we have formulated review and editorial board based on aim and scope of the journal. Review and editorial board members expect innovative ideas and findings in manuscript of authors, and where necessary suggest and help authors how to improve their articles. Journal BiNET properly follows ethics of article publishing standards such as efficient and fair review process, maintains confidentiality in a peer review process and disclosure for conflicts of interest by reviewer.
All our journals operate as Open Access (OA). Therefore, adopts the standard open access business model where authors pay the Article Publishing Fees (APF) to allow anyone to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of their article for free immediately after publication.
Journal BiNET aims to be a leading web based article publishing outlet for the researchers, scientists, students and scholars for their scholastic and academic works. A qualified boards of editors and reviewers have been formulated to reduce editorial turnaround time and thus, encourage submissions of the highest quality papers. Our journals specially intends to encourage researches and findings of the young researchers who are not yet established in their profession; and bear the potential and promise to become an adept scientist in the coming future.
The website contents are edited and updated when necessary by the executive editors and or management of journals from the place of publication and or editorial head office situated in Baluadanga, Dinajpur-5200, Bangladesh. Style and content of the website with text, icons, images etc. are copyrighted unless otherwise mentioned. Use of any content in any form is prohibited. Moreover, our journals use a Creative Commons License.

Scientific Publications at journalbinet.com unless specified are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
JournalBiNET is registered as a business or online publisher in Dinajpur 5200, Bangladesh.
This page has been updated 03 July 2022. We thank you for visiting us.