International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research
Fertilizer recommendation for Agriculture: practice, practicalities and adaptation in Bangladesh and Netherlands
Sultana, J. (1), Siddique, M. N. A. (2) and Abdullah, M. R. (3)
(1) Organic Agriculture, Wageningen University, the Netherlands.
(2) Soil Resource Development Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh.
(3) Dept. of Crop Botany, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
Sultana, J. (1), Siddique, M. N. A. (2) and Abdullah, M. R. (3)
(1) Organic Agriculture, Wageningen University, the Netherlands.
(2) Soil Resource Development Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh.
(3) Dept. of Crop Botany, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
Volume 01, Issue 01, April 2015, pp. 21-40. DOI: 10.18801/ijbmsr.010115.03.
Fertilizer_recommendation_for_agriculture_practice_practicalities_and_adaptation_in_bangladesh_and_netherlands.pdf |
For maintaining of soil quality and attainable crop yield, it is required to add proper amount of fertilizers and minimize the misuse of soil resources which is possible by knowing actual situation of soil physical, chemical and biological condition through observation, investigation and soil testing. Soil test is an imperative tool for assessing the fertilizer or manure requirement for sustainable production of crops and for sustaining soil fertility. Soil test and subsequent fertilizer recommendation was pioneered and provided to farmers by the Soil Resource Development Institute (SRDI), Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh. SRDI is conducting soil sample analysis in static and mobile laboratories. Through soil analytical results interpretation and or Upazila Nirdeshika [1] data as and where necessary, subsequent balanced fertilizer recommendation for cropping pattern(s) is provided at farmer’s level. While BLGG AgroXpertus is an international company located in Wageningen, the Netherlands, which provides soil and plant based fertilization recommendations on the basis of soil analysis, but the recommendation mainly based on information originated from European research. Bangladesh has agricultural potentials and problems related to its soil and land resources such as alteration of soil nutrient status, soil fertility decline, soil acidity, soil salinity, phosphorus fixation in the piedmont areas, decline of soil organic matter etc. But the condition of Europe, as well as the Netherlands, is not always similar with Bangladesh. For instance, a higher sulphur (S) deposition was reported in the Netherlands (05 kg/ha) whereas in Bangladesh, it was negligible. Mineralization rate of organic matter was much higher in Bangladesh compare to the Netherlands. In addition, phosphorus (P) status was almost high in different parts of the Netherlands and it was very low to low in Bangladesh except some piedmont areas. Therefore, it is a prerequisite to adjust and optimize the fertilizer recommendation to the Bangladesh’s situation as a better applicability of soil report of this company in Bangladesh as the supplement of existing fertilizer recommendation system. As the mineralization high in Bangladesh, the company can recommend applying the whole amount of organic matter by dividing into 2-3 applications in a year. BLGG AgroXpertus Company can provide support, encouragement and guidance to rural farmers and advice about sustainable management practice of soils. The company can provide leaflets to farmers about the importance of organic matter and benefits of soil test for the establishment of organic matter. This company offers not only fertilizer recommendation of crops but also additional important information, for example, organic matter balance, soil structure, water retention curve and soil type is given to farmers. As BLGG AgroXpertus Company uses traditional as well as NIR method for soil test, they can investigate higher number of soil samples in less time, which would be much efficient and useful for farmers of Bangladesh if supported by SRDI to implement with its existing optimum and balanced fertilizer recommendation.
Key words: Soil test, fertilizer recommendation, fertilizers, SRDI, BLGG AgroXpertus, organic matter, nutrients and soil quality
[1] Upazila Nirdeshika (in Bengali): Land and Soil Resource Utilization Guide (in English) for each Upazila published by Soil Resource Development Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh.
For maintaining of soil quality and attainable crop yield, it is required to add proper amount of fertilizers and minimize the misuse of soil resources which is possible by knowing actual situation of soil physical, chemical and biological condition through observation, investigation and soil testing. Soil test is an imperative tool for assessing the fertilizer or manure requirement for sustainable production of crops and for sustaining soil fertility. Soil test and subsequent fertilizer recommendation was pioneered and provided to farmers by the Soil Resource Development Institute (SRDI), Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh. SRDI is conducting soil sample analysis in static and mobile laboratories. Through soil analytical results interpretation and or Upazila Nirdeshika [1] data as and where necessary, subsequent balanced fertilizer recommendation for cropping pattern(s) is provided at farmer’s level. While BLGG AgroXpertus is an international company located in Wageningen, the Netherlands, which provides soil and plant based fertilization recommendations on the basis of soil analysis, but the recommendation mainly based on information originated from European research. Bangladesh has agricultural potentials and problems related to its soil and land resources such as alteration of soil nutrient status, soil fertility decline, soil acidity, soil salinity, phosphorus fixation in the piedmont areas, decline of soil organic matter etc. But the condition of Europe, as well as the Netherlands, is not always similar with Bangladesh. For instance, a higher sulphur (S) deposition was reported in the Netherlands (05 kg/ha) whereas in Bangladesh, it was negligible. Mineralization rate of organic matter was much higher in Bangladesh compare to the Netherlands. In addition, phosphorus (P) status was almost high in different parts of the Netherlands and it was very low to low in Bangladesh except some piedmont areas. Therefore, it is a prerequisite to adjust and optimize the fertilizer recommendation to the Bangladesh’s situation as a better applicability of soil report of this company in Bangladesh as the supplement of existing fertilizer recommendation system. As the mineralization high in Bangladesh, the company can recommend applying the whole amount of organic matter by dividing into 2-3 applications in a year. BLGG AgroXpertus Company can provide support, encouragement and guidance to rural farmers and advice about sustainable management practice of soils. The company can provide leaflets to farmers about the importance of organic matter and benefits of soil test for the establishment of organic matter. This company offers not only fertilizer recommendation of crops but also additional important information, for example, organic matter balance, soil structure, water retention curve and soil type is given to farmers. As BLGG AgroXpertus Company uses traditional as well as NIR method for soil test, they can investigate higher number of soil samples in less time, which would be much efficient and useful for farmers of Bangladesh if supported by SRDI to implement with its existing optimum and balanced fertilizer recommendation.
Key words: Soil test, fertilizer recommendation, fertilizers, SRDI, BLGG AgroXpertus, organic matter, nutrients and soil quality
[1] Upazila Nirdeshika (in Bengali): Land and Soil Resource Utilization Guide (in English) for each Upazila published by Soil Resource Development Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh.
Please cite this article as:
Sultana, J., Siddique, M. N. A. and Abdullah, M. R. (2015). Fertilizer recommendation for Agriculture: practice, practicalities and adaptation in Bangladesh and Netherlands. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research 01(01): 21-40.
Sultana, J., Siddique, M. N. A. and Abdullah, M. R. (2015). Fertilizer recommendation for Agriculture: practice, practicalities and adaptation in Bangladesh and Netherlands. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research 01(01): 21-40.
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