Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research |
Research article:
In vitro callus induction and plantlet regeneration is influenced by the maturity status of embryos of Brassica rapa varieties
Sabrina Zisan, Arif Hassan Khan Robin, Ahasanul Hoque and Mohammad Rashed Hossain
Dept. of Genetics & Plant Breeding, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
J. bios. agric. res., volume 06, issue 01, pp. 518-529 | Available online: 18 December 2015
In vitro callus induction and plantlet regeneration is influenced by the maturity status of embryos of Brassica rapa varieties
Sabrina Zisan, Arif Hassan Khan Robin, Ahasanul Hoque and Mohammad Rashed Hossain
Dept. of Genetics & Plant Breeding, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
J. bios. agric. res., volume 06, issue 01, pp. 518-529 | Available online: 18 December 2015

62_jbar_in_vitro_callus_induction_and_plantlet_regeneration_is_influenced_by_the_maturity_status_of_embryos_of_brassica_rapa_varieties.pdf |
Abstract: Brassica rapa (AA, 2n = 20) is a prime oilseed species in Bangladesh that can be improved via biotechnological approaches. Rescue of developing embryos after an interspecific hybridization, which otherwise usually tend to abort, is very important for improvement of this species, that require an efficient embryo culture protocol. The immature torpedo shaped embryos (451-700 µm) and mature walking-stick type (>700 µm) embryos of five B. rapa varieties namely, Safal, Agrani, BINA Sarisha-6, BARI Sarisha-6, BARI Sarisha-15 were cultured in basal MS media supplemented with 1 mgL-1 BAP, 0.5 mgL-1 NAA & 1 mgL- 1 2,4-D. The immature embryo culture followed indirect somatic embryogenesis process but the mature embryos followed direct organogenesis. The immature embryos induced callus within 11-15 days whereas the mature embryos regenerated plantlets through direct organogenesis within 8-11 days. The varieties Agrani, BARI Sarisha-6 and BINA Sarisha-6 induced the highest percentages of callus from immature embryos and the varieties Safal and BARI Sarisha-15 regenerated the highest percentage of plantlet from mature embryos. Safal and Agrani induced callus and regenerated plantlets comparatively earlier than other varieties. An increase in the concentration of BAP from 10 to 20 ppm in MS media + 5 ppm IBA decreased the size of the plantlets of all varieties except the Agrani. The data could be used in improving the existing embryo rescue protocols. The direct organogenesis process of mature embryos can potentially shorten the breeding cycles.
Key words: Brassica rapa, embryo culture, callus, phytohormone, plantlet, 2’4-D and Basal MS media
Key words: Brassica rapa, embryo culture, callus, phytohormone, plantlet, 2’4-D and Basal MS media
APA (American Psychological Association)
Zisan, S., Robin, A. H. K., Hoque, A. & Hossain, M. R. (2015). In vitro callus induction and plantlet regeneration is influenced by the maturity status of embryos of Brassica rapa varieties. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 06(01), 518-529.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Zisan, S., Robin, A. H. K., Hoque, A. & Hossain, M. R. “In vitro callus induction and plantlet regeneration is influenced by the maturity status of embryos of Brassica rapa varieties.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 06.01 (2015): 518-529.
Zisan, S., Robin, A. H. K., Hoque, A. & Hossain, M. R. “In vitro callus induction and plantlet regeneration is influenced by the maturity status of embryos of Brassica rapa varieties.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 06, no. 01 (2015): 518-529.
Zisan, S., Robin, A. H. K., Hoque, A. & Hossain, M. R. (2015). In vitro callus induction and plantlet regeneration is influenced by the maturity status of embryos of Brassica rapa varieties. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 06(01), 518-529.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Zisan, S., Robin, A. H. K., Hoque, A. & Hossain, M. R. “In vitro callus induction and plantlet regeneration is influenced by the maturity status of embryos of Brassica rapa varieties.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 06.01 (2015): 518-529.
Zisan, S., Robin, A. H. K., Hoque, A. & Hossain, M. R. “In vitro callus induction and plantlet regeneration is influenced by the maturity status of embryos of Brassica rapa varieties.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 06, no. 01 (2015): 518-529.
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