J. Sci. Technol. Environ. Inform. | Volume 09, Issue 02, 649-664 | https://doi.org/10.18801/jstei.090220.66
Article type: Research article, Article received: 19.04.2020; Revised: 04.05.2020; First published online: 15 June 2020.
Article type: Research article, Article received: 19.04.2020; Revised: 04.05.2020; First published online: 15 June 2020.
Development of mixed fertilizer deep placement technology into soil simultaneously with mechanical rice seedling transplanting
Hossen, M. A. 1, Bhuiyan, M. G. K. 1, Rahman, M. M. 2, Zaman M. K. 1, Islam M. M. 1 and Rahman M. A. 1
1 Farm Machinery and Post-harvest Technology (FMPHT) Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Gazipur-1710
2 PIU, NATP, Phase-2, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Farmgate, Dhaka Bangladesh.
✉ Corresponding author: [email protected] (Hossen M.A.).
1 Farm Machinery and Post-harvest Technology (FMPHT) Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Gazipur-1710
2 PIU, NATP, Phase-2, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Farmgate, Dhaka Bangladesh.
✉ Corresponding author: [email protected] (Hossen M.A.).
A mixed fertilizer deep placement technology was designed and incorporated in the walking type rice transplanter (ARP-4UM) to place fertilizers into the soil (non-oxidized zone) and evaluated in the irrigated dry season (Boro) 2018-19 and the non-irrigated wet season (Aman) 2019 season. A spiral screw was used in the fertilizer chamber as a metering device to receive and dispense the desired amount of fertilizer during field operation. Engine power of the rice transplanter(1800 rpm) was conveyed to the metering device of the applicator with the arrangement of a belt-pulley, worm gearing, shaft-bearing, universal joint and bevel gear with engage-disengage facility resulting 23 rpm of the metering device of the applicator. Spiral screw type metering device was connected with the main shaft of the applicator to collect mixed fertilizer from hopper and dispense to the output channel of the applicator at a desired rate based on variety and seasons. A measuring scale mentioning 1 to 8 numbers was used for ease of fertilizer rate control. Fertilizer dispensing rate increased with the increase of number of the lever position. Developed rice transplanter cum mixed fertilizer applicator (RTFA) was evaluated in the laboratory, soil bin, research field and farmer’s field also. In the lab test, it was found that fertilizer control lever can control fertilizer dispensing rate according to the pre-calibration. In the soil bin test, it was observed that mixture fertilizer dispensed uniformly in the furrow and covered effectively. Agitator, which was used in the fertilizer hopper, rotated smoothly to prevent the bonding or clogging of mixed fertilizer during dispensing in operation. Power transmission from engine to the metering device of the applicator through different stages was also found smooth, safe and heavy duty. In Aman 2019 season, the developed walking type rice transplanter was evaluated in 07 different locations of the country while it was evaluated in 02 locations during Boro 2018-19 season. In Boro 2018-19 season, average dispensing rate of fertilizer in lever position 4 was calibrated 67.94 g/rotation of the rice transplanter driving wheels based on recommended dose of fertilizer while average deviation of fertilizer dispensing rate was about +3.72% due to clogging of the dispensing channel of the transplanter during operation. In an average of two trials, theoretical and actual field capacity and field efficiency of the RTFA was found 0.20 ha/h, 0.0.12 ha/h and 58.95% while it was 0.20 ha/h, 0.13 ha/h and 64.10% of the rice transplanter without fertilizer deep placement mechanism respectively. During field trials in Aman 2019 season, average dispensing rate of fertilizer in lever position 3 was calibrated 37.8 g/rotation of the rice transplanter driving wheels based on recommended dose of fertilizer while average deviation of fertilizer dispensing rate was about -4.86% due to slippage of the wheels during operation. In an average of seven trials, theoretical and actual field capacity and field efficiency of the RTFA was found 0.19 ha/h, 0.23 ha/h and 82.2% while it was 0.21 ha/h, 0.26 ha/h and 80.3% of the rice transplanter without fertilizer deep placement mechanism respectively.
Key Words: Design, Power transmission, Calibration, Fertilizer dispensing and Field evaluation
A mixed fertilizer deep placement technology was designed and incorporated in the walking type rice transplanter (ARP-4UM) to place fertilizers into the soil (non-oxidized zone) and evaluated in the irrigated dry season (Boro) 2018-19 and the non-irrigated wet season (Aman) 2019 season. A spiral screw was used in the fertilizer chamber as a metering device to receive and dispense the desired amount of fertilizer during field operation. Engine power of the rice transplanter(1800 rpm) was conveyed to the metering device of the applicator with the arrangement of a belt-pulley, worm gearing, shaft-bearing, universal joint and bevel gear with engage-disengage facility resulting 23 rpm of the metering device of the applicator. Spiral screw type metering device was connected with the main shaft of the applicator to collect mixed fertilizer from hopper and dispense to the output channel of the applicator at a desired rate based on variety and seasons. A measuring scale mentioning 1 to 8 numbers was used for ease of fertilizer rate control. Fertilizer dispensing rate increased with the increase of number of the lever position. Developed rice transplanter cum mixed fertilizer applicator (RTFA) was evaluated in the laboratory, soil bin, research field and farmer’s field also. In the lab test, it was found that fertilizer control lever can control fertilizer dispensing rate according to the pre-calibration. In the soil bin test, it was observed that mixture fertilizer dispensed uniformly in the furrow and covered effectively. Agitator, which was used in the fertilizer hopper, rotated smoothly to prevent the bonding or clogging of mixed fertilizer during dispensing in operation. Power transmission from engine to the metering device of the applicator through different stages was also found smooth, safe and heavy duty. In Aman 2019 season, the developed walking type rice transplanter was evaluated in 07 different locations of the country while it was evaluated in 02 locations during Boro 2018-19 season. In Boro 2018-19 season, average dispensing rate of fertilizer in lever position 4 was calibrated 67.94 g/rotation of the rice transplanter driving wheels based on recommended dose of fertilizer while average deviation of fertilizer dispensing rate was about +3.72% due to clogging of the dispensing channel of the transplanter during operation. In an average of two trials, theoretical and actual field capacity and field efficiency of the RTFA was found 0.20 ha/h, 0.0.12 ha/h and 58.95% while it was 0.20 ha/h, 0.13 ha/h and 64.10% of the rice transplanter without fertilizer deep placement mechanism respectively. During field trials in Aman 2019 season, average dispensing rate of fertilizer in lever position 3 was calibrated 37.8 g/rotation of the rice transplanter driving wheels based on recommended dose of fertilizer while average deviation of fertilizer dispensing rate was about -4.86% due to slippage of the wheels during operation. In an average of seven trials, theoretical and actual field capacity and field efficiency of the RTFA was found 0.19 ha/h, 0.23 ha/h and 82.2% while it was 0.21 ha/h, 0.26 ha/h and 80.3% of the rice transplanter without fertilizer deep placement mechanism respectively.
Key Words: Design, Power transmission, Calibration, Fertilizer dispensing and Field evaluation
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Article Citations
Hossen et al. “Development of mixed fertilizer deep placement technology into soil simultaneously with mechanical rice seedling transplanting.” Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics, 09(02) (2020): 649-664.
Hossen, M. A., Bhuiyan, M. G. K., Rahman, M. M., Zaman M. K., Islam M. M. and Rahman M. A. (2020). Development of mixed fertilizer deep placement technology into soil simultaneously with mechanical rice seedling transplanting. Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics, 09(02), 649-664.
Hossen, M. A., Bhuiyan, M. G. K., Rahman, M. M., Zaman M. K., Islam M. M. and Rahman M. A. “Development of mixed fertilizer deep placement technology into soil simultaneously with mechanical rice seedling transplanting.” Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics, 09(02), (2020): 649-664.
Hossen, M. A., Bhuiyan, M. G. K., Rahman, M. M., Zaman M. K., Islam M. M. and Rahman M. A. 2020. Development of mixed fertilizer deep placement technology into soil simultaneously with mechanical rice seedling transplanting. Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics, 09(02), pp. 649-664.
Hossen, MA, Bhuiyan, MGK, Rahman, MM, Zaman MK, Islam MM and Rahman MA. Development of mixed fertilizer deep placement technology into soil simultaneously with mechanical rice seedling transplanting. Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics, 2020 June 09(02), 649-664.
Hossen et al. “Development of mixed fertilizer deep placement technology into soil simultaneously with mechanical rice seedling transplanting.” Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics, 09(02) (2020): 649-664.
Hossen, M. A., Bhuiyan, M. G. K., Rahman, M. M., Zaman M. K., Islam M. M. and Rahman M. A. (2020). Development of mixed fertilizer deep placement technology into soil simultaneously with mechanical rice seedling transplanting. Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics, 09(02), 649-664.
Hossen, M. A., Bhuiyan, M. G. K., Rahman, M. M., Zaman M. K., Islam M. M. and Rahman M. A. “Development of mixed fertilizer deep placement technology into soil simultaneously with mechanical rice seedling transplanting.” Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics, 09(02), (2020): 649-664.
Hossen, M. A., Bhuiyan, M. G. K., Rahman, M. M., Zaman M. K., Islam M. M. and Rahman M. A. 2020. Development of mixed fertilizer deep placement technology into soil simultaneously with mechanical rice seedling transplanting. Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics, 09(02), pp. 649-664.
Hossen, MA, Bhuiyan, MGK, Rahman, MM, Zaman MK, Islam MM and Rahman MA. Development of mixed fertilizer deep placement technology into soil simultaneously with mechanical rice seedling transplanting. Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics, 2020 June 09(02), 649-664.
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