International Journal of Business Management and Social Research
Volume 02, Issue 01 | Year of publication: 2016
Article Type: Research Article | No. 08 | Country: Bangladesh | pp. 71-79 | Open Access
Title: Poultry Industry in Bangladesh: Issues and Challenges
Authors: Rahman, S. M., Roy, B. K., Shahriar, S. I. M. & Nipa, F. Y. (2015)
Title: Poultry Industry in Bangladesh: Issues and Challenges
Authors: Rahman, S. M., Roy, B. K., Shahriar, S. I. M. & Nipa, F. Y. (2015)
Title: Poultry Industry in Bangladesh: Issues and Challenges
Authors: S. M. Rahman, B. K. Roy, S. I. M. Shahriar and F. Y. Nipa
With the development of poultry industry in nineteenth decade, this industry had to face many ups and down conditions. Day by day approximate 3-4 percent of its contribution on Gross Domestic Product (GDP). A large number of people were engaged in poultry sectors as a freedom business. This study was conducted to find out the present situation and future challenges of poultry industry. In this study, data were collected from 20 reputed poultry farms located in Rajshahi district, Bangladesh using a pretested interview questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed by using statistical package on social science. The results showed statistical table with explanation so that the reader could easily realize the outcome for the study. Some challenges such as lack of inclusive poultry policy principle, technical know-how, shortage of capital, maintenance of bio security, operation management, lack of trained manpower, lack of proper management information system, lack of adequate laboratory testing facility, improper handling of medicine and vaccine, disaster management, the dependence on the channel members, neighboring country threat, seasonal fluctuation, backdated marketing strategy etc. were found from this study. Based on findings, recommendations were made on some major issues like poultry guiding principle, technological efficiency, proper registration system, bio-security, management information system, laboratory testing facility, mechanical and managerial training, symbiotic and incorporated union, protection of consumer rights, financing for small farmers, professional distribution system etc.
Key words: Farm business, Poultry industries, Operation management, Policies, Issues and Challenges
Authors: S. M. Rahman, B. K. Roy, S. I. M. Shahriar and F. Y. Nipa
With the development of poultry industry in nineteenth decade, this industry had to face many ups and down conditions. Day by day approximate 3-4 percent of its contribution on Gross Domestic Product (GDP). A large number of people were engaged in poultry sectors as a freedom business. This study was conducted to find out the present situation and future challenges of poultry industry. In this study, data were collected from 20 reputed poultry farms located in Rajshahi district, Bangladesh using a pretested interview questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed by using statistical package on social science. The results showed statistical table with explanation so that the reader could easily realize the outcome for the study. Some challenges such as lack of inclusive poultry policy principle, technical know-how, shortage of capital, maintenance of bio security, operation management, lack of trained manpower, lack of proper management information system, lack of adequate laboratory testing facility, improper handling of medicine and vaccine, disaster management, the dependence on the channel members, neighboring country threat, seasonal fluctuation, backdated marketing strategy etc. were found from this study. Based on findings, recommendations were made on some major issues like poultry guiding principle, technological efficiency, proper registration system, bio-security, management information system, laboratory testing facility, mechanical and managerial training, symbiotic and incorporated union, protection of consumer rights, financing for small farmers, professional distribution system etc.
Key words: Farm business, Poultry industries, Operation management, Policies, Issues and Challenges
APA (American Psychological Association)
Rahman, S. M., Roy, B. K., Shahriar, S. I. M. & Nipa, F. Y. (2015). Poultry industry in Bangladesh: issues and challenges. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02(01), 71-79.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Rahman, S. M., Roy, B. K., Shahriar, S. I. M. & Nipa, F. Y. “Livelihood improvement of small farmers through family poultry in Bangladesh.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 01.02 (2015): 71-79.
Rahman, S. M., Roy, B. K., Shahriar, S. I. M. & Nipa, F. Y. “Poultry industry in Bangladesh: issues and challenges.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02, no. 01 (2015): 71-79.
Rahman, S. M., Roy, B. K., Shahriar, S. I. M. & Nipa, F. Y. (2015). Poultry industry in Bangladesh: issues and challenges. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02(01), 71-79.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Rahman, S. M., Roy, B. K., Shahriar, S. I. M. & Nipa, F. Y. “Livelihood improvement of small farmers through family poultry in Bangladesh.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 01.02 (2015): 71-79.
Rahman, S. M., Roy, B. K., Shahriar, S. I. M. & Nipa, F. Y. “Poultry industry in Bangladesh: issues and challenges.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02, no. 01 (2015): 71-79.
Article Type: Research Article | No. 09 | Country: Bangladesh | pp. 80-91 | Open Access
Title: Community based ecotourism in income generation: a study on the sundarbans adjacent area of Bangladesh
Authors: Saha, S. K., Ahmed, M. F., Roy, T. K. & Haldar, P. K. (2015)
Title: Community based ecotourism in income generation: a study on the sundarbans adjacent area of Bangladesh
Authors: Saha, S. K., Ahmed, M. F., Roy, T. K. & Haldar, P. K. (2015)
Title: Community based ecotourism in income generation: a study on the sundarbans adjacent area of Bangladesh
Authors: Saha, S. K., Ahmed, M. F., Roy, T. K. and Haldar, P. K.
The rich natural and cultural attractions are valuable ingredients for community based ecotourism development in Bangladesh. Every year, a large number of tourists visit in the Sundarbans, which has a significant contribution in the household income to the people who are mostly involved in this sector. The result of the empirical model of Durbin-Watson test revealed the model significant at 1% and 5% level. The income counted here is considered as dependent variable and the age, education, experience, number of tourist served; poor infrastructure; poor communication and transportation; poor knowledge about CBET; lack of government policy etc. as independent variable, the eco cottage quality, natural beauty and security are the dummy variable. The result shows that, the age, number of tourist served and absence of leadership and entrepreneurship ability are significant at 1% and 5% level; experience and the eco cottage quality also found significant for income. However, community based ecotourism industry in Bangladesh is facing many problems, such as lack of transportation and communication system, poor investment, political unrest situation of the country , lack of government policy, poor marketing policy to attract the tourists, poor knowledge about CBET, lack of well-planned accommodation, food, entertainment and other services to satisfy diverse categories of tourists. The issue of safety and security of the tourists of both domestic and foreign origins is also very important for the development of ecotourism in Sundarbans area. Though a policy has been adopted in the recent time for ensuring sustainable development of this sector, the strategies adopted under the policy are not yet being seriously taken up for implementation. Besides, the country requires a strong physical planning strategy to develop its urban and rural areas, and national transportation and communication system to establish connectivity to the tourism spots. There should be a strong marketing policy, business planning as well for the promotion of tourism in the country.
Key words: Community based ecotourism, Eco cottage, Eco site, Ecotour guide and Boatman
Authors: Saha, S. K., Ahmed, M. F., Roy, T. K. and Haldar, P. K.
The rich natural and cultural attractions are valuable ingredients for community based ecotourism development in Bangladesh. Every year, a large number of tourists visit in the Sundarbans, which has a significant contribution in the household income to the people who are mostly involved in this sector. The result of the empirical model of Durbin-Watson test revealed the model significant at 1% and 5% level. The income counted here is considered as dependent variable and the age, education, experience, number of tourist served; poor infrastructure; poor communication and transportation; poor knowledge about CBET; lack of government policy etc. as independent variable, the eco cottage quality, natural beauty and security are the dummy variable. The result shows that, the age, number of tourist served and absence of leadership and entrepreneurship ability are significant at 1% and 5% level; experience and the eco cottage quality also found significant for income. However, community based ecotourism industry in Bangladesh is facing many problems, such as lack of transportation and communication system, poor investment, political unrest situation of the country , lack of government policy, poor marketing policy to attract the tourists, poor knowledge about CBET, lack of well-planned accommodation, food, entertainment and other services to satisfy diverse categories of tourists. The issue of safety and security of the tourists of both domestic and foreign origins is also very important for the development of ecotourism in Sundarbans area. Though a policy has been adopted in the recent time for ensuring sustainable development of this sector, the strategies adopted under the policy are not yet being seriously taken up for implementation. Besides, the country requires a strong physical planning strategy to develop its urban and rural areas, and national transportation and communication system to establish connectivity to the tourism spots. There should be a strong marketing policy, business planning as well for the promotion of tourism in the country.
Key words: Community based ecotourism, Eco cottage, Eco site, Ecotour guide and Boatman
APA (American Psychological Association)
Saha, S. K., Ahmed, M. F., Roy, T. K. & Haldar, P. K. (2015). Community based ecotourism in income generation: a study on the sundarbans adjacent area of Bangladesh. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02(01), 80-91.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Saha, S. K., Ahmed, M. F., Roy, T. K. & Haldar, P. K. “Community based ecotourism in income generation: a study on the sundarbans adjacent area of Bangladesh.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02.01 (2015): 80-91.
Saha, S. K., Ahmed, M. F., Roy, T. K. & Haldar, P. K. “Community based ecotourism in income generation: a study on the sundarbans adjacent area of Bangladesh.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02, no. 01 (2015): 80-91.
Saha, S. K., Ahmed, M. F., Roy, T. K. & Haldar, P. K. (2015). Community based ecotourism in income generation: a study on the sundarbans adjacent area of Bangladesh. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02(01), 80-91.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Saha, S. K., Ahmed, M. F., Roy, T. K. & Haldar, P. K. “Community based ecotourism in income generation: a study on the sundarbans adjacent area of Bangladesh.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02.01 (2015): 80-91.
Saha, S. K., Ahmed, M. F., Roy, T. K. & Haldar, P. K. “Community based ecotourism in income generation: a study on the sundarbans adjacent area of Bangladesh.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02, no. 01 (2015): 80-91.
Article Type: Survey Article | No. 10 | Country: Bangladesh | pp. 92-104 | Open Access
Title: Base line survey for farmer livelihood improvement at farming system research and development, Lahirirhat, Rangpur
Authors: Anowar, M. M., Parveen, A., Ferdous, M. Z., Kafi, A. H. & Kabir, M. E. (2015)
Title: Base line survey for farmer livelihood improvement at farming system research and development, Lahirirhat, Rangpur
Authors: Anowar, M. M., Parveen, A., Ferdous, M. Z., Kafi, A. H. & Kabir, M. E. (2015)
Title: Base line survey for farmer livelihood improvement at farming system research and development, Lahirirhat, Rangpur
Authors: Md. Mazharul Anowar, Aktari Parveen, Md. Zannatul Ferdous, Abdullah Hel Kafi and Md. Ehsanul Kabir
A base line survey was undertaken to know the existing farming practices of the farmers of Lahirirhat area of Rangpur. Survey covered crop, livestock, fish, homestead, agro forestry systems with data pertaining to 50 farmers from two villages of Chandonpat union. Data refer to the input output details and other socio-economic characteristics of farm households in the crop year 2011-2012. Random sampling technique has been used for collecting data. The result of the baseline survey showed that out of 50 sample farmers; landless (less than 0.02 ha), marginal (0.021–0.2 ha), small (0.21–1 ha), medium (1–3 ha) and large (>3 ha) farmer numbers were 4, 9, 28, 8 and 1, respectively. Four types of major farming systems exist in the Farming System Research and Development (FSRD) site of BARI. Among the four farming systems, the highest number of farmer were under Crop+Livestock+Poultry system followed by Crop+Livestock+Poultry+Fisheries, Crop+Poultry and Crop+Livestock+ Poultry+Agroforestry. Average farm size was the highest under Crop+Livestock+Poultry+Fisheries+Agroforestry system and lowest under Crop+Poultry farming systems. About 87 percent of lands were used under high yielding variety crop whereas only 13 percent land use under local variety. There were 7 major cropping patterns are observed in the site. The main cropping pattern was Boro–Fallow–T. Aman rice followed by Potato–Maize–T. Aman, Potato–Jute–T. Aman, year round vegetable, Potato–Boro rice–T. Aman, Banana and sugarcane. Out of seven cropping patterns, net returns was the highest in banana cultivation (Tk. 159,767 ha-1) followed by Vegetables–Vegetables–Vegetables (Tk. 117,996 ha-1), Potato–Jute–T. Aman (Tk.115,590 ha-1), Potato–Maize–T. Aman (Tk. 10,610 ha-1), Potato–Boro–T. Aman (102,898 ha-1), Sugarcane (Tk 59,036 ha-1) and Boro-Fallow-T. Aman rice (Tk. 31,352 ha-1). Average per farm total net return were from livestock Tk.12,132 and from poultry Tk. 392 for the year 2011–2012. Out of 50 sample farmers, 10 farmers culture fishes in the Farming System Research and Development site. On an average, per farm total gross margin was Tk. 2680 containing telapia Tk. 620, carps Tk.600 and other fish Tk.1460. Income was categorized by crop, livestock, fisheries, poultry, homestead, agro forestry, off farm and non-farm system. In case of landless and marginal farm, non-farm income was higher compared to farm income. Contrary, in case of small, medium and large farm, farm income was higher compared to non-farm income. Farming constraints that were identified include lack of knowledge about new crop variety and technology was the main problems of the farmer followed by high price of inputs, lack of knowledge about fish feed and pond management, lack of quality seeds/fingerlings/duck links, lack of credit facility, lack of knowledge about homestead vegetables production, lack of knowledge about vaccination, deworming, feed of livestock and poultry, insect/pests/weeds and lack of money for buying inputs.
Keywords: Base line survey, Livelihood of farmer and Farming system research
Authors: Md. Mazharul Anowar, Aktari Parveen, Md. Zannatul Ferdous, Abdullah Hel Kafi and Md. Ehsanul Kabir
A base line survey was undertaken to know the existing farming practices of the farmers of Lahirirhat area of Rangpur. Survey covered crop, livestock, fish, homestead, agro forestry systems with data pertaining to 50 farmers from two villages of Chandonpat union. Data refer to the input output details and other socio-economic characteristics of farm households in the crop year 2011-2012. Random sampling technique has been used for collecting data. The result of the baseline survey showed that out of 50 sample farmers; landless (less than 0.02 ha), marginal (0.021–0.2 ha), small (0.21–1 ha), medium (1–3 ha) and large (>3 ha) farmer numbers were 4, 9, 28, 8 and 1, respectively. Four types of major farming systems exist in the Farming System Research and Development (FSRD) site of BARI. Among the four farming systems, the highest number of farmer were under Crop+Livestock+Poultry system followed by Crop+Livestock+Poultry+Fisheries, Crop+Poultry and Crop+Livestock+ Poultry+Agroforestry. Average farm size was the highest under Crop+Livestock+Poultry+Fisheries+Agroforestry system and lowest under Crop+Poultry farming systems. About 87 percent of lands were used under high yielding variety crop whereas only 13 percent land use under local variety. There were 7 major cropping patterns are observed in the site. The main cropping pattern was Boro–Fallow–T. Aman rice followed by Potato–Maize–T. Aman, Potato–Jute–T. Aman, year round vegetable, Potato–Boro rice–T. Aman, Banana and sugarcane. Out of seven cropping patterns, net returns was the highest in banana cultivation (Tk. 159,767 ha-1) followed by Vegetables–Vegetables–Vegetables (Tk. 117,996 ha-1), Potato–Jute–T. Aman (Tk.115,590 ha-1), Potato–Maize–T. Aman (Tk. 10,610 ha-1), Potato–Boro–T. Aman (102,898 ha-1), Sugarcane (Tk 59,036 ha-1) and Boro-Fallow-T. Aman rice (Tk. 31,352 ha-1). Average per farm total net return were from livestock Tk.12,132 and from poultry Tk. 392 for the year 2011–2012. Out of 50 sample farmers, 10 farmers culture fishes in the Farming System Research and Development site. On an average, per farm total gross margin was Tk. 2680 containing telapia Tk. 620, carps Tk.600 and other fish Tk.1460. Income was categorized by crop, livestock, fisheries, poultry, homestead, agro forestry, off farm and non-farm system. In case of landless and marginal farm, non-farm income was higher compared to farm income. Contrary, in case of small, medium and large farm, farm income was higher compared to non-farm income. Farming constraints that were identified include lack of knowledge about new crop variety and technology was the main problems of the farmer followed by high price of inputs, lack of knowledge about fish feed and pond management, lack of quality seeds/fingerlings/duck links, lack of credit facility, lack of knowledge about homestead vegetables production, lack of knowledge about vaccination, deworming, feed of livestock and poultry, insect/pests/weeds and lack of money for buying inputs.
Keywords: Base line survey, Livelihood of farmer and Farming system research
APA (American Psychological Association)
Saha, S. K., Ahmed, M. F., Roy, T. K. & Haldar, P. K. (2015). Community based ecotourism in income generation: a study on the sundarbans adjacent area of Bangladesh. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02(01), 80-91.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Saha, S. K., Ahmed, M. F., Roy, T. K. & Haldar, P. K. “Community based ecotourism in income generation: a study on the sundarbans adjacent area of Bangladesh.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02.01 (2015): 80-91.
Saha, S. K., Ahmed, M. F., Roy, T. K. & Haldar, P. K. “Community based ecotourism in income generation: a study on the sundarbans adjacent area of Bangladesh.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02, no. 01 (2015): 80-91.
Saha, S. K., Ahmed, M. F., Roy, T. K. & Haldar, P. K. (2015). Community based ecotourism in income generation: a study on the sundarbans adjacent area of Bangladesh. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02(01), 80-91.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Saha, S. K., Ahmed, M. F., Roy, T. K. & Haldar, P. K. “Community based ecotourism in income generation: a study on the sundarbans adjacent area of Bangladesh.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02.01 (2015): 80-91.
Saha, S. K., Ahmed, M. F., Roy, T. K. & Haldar, P. K. “Community based ecotourism in income generation: a study on the sundarbans adjacent area of Bangladesh.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02, no. 01 (2015): 80-91.
Article Type: Review Article | No. 11 | Country: Iran | pp. 105-113 | Open Access | Remark: Draft/Evaluation Version
Title: A fuzzy decision system for new product specification forecast
Author: Khadijeh Yousefipour Jeddi (2016)
Title: A fuzzy decision system for new product specification forecast
Author: Khadijeh Yousefipour Jeddi (2016)
Title: A fuzzy decision system for new product specification forecast
Abstract: New product development (NPD) requires considering multiple criteria under a hierarchical structure. The evaluation process often involves uncertainty and fuzziness in both the relationships between criteria and the judgments of evaluators. Quality function deployment (QFD) aims to facilitate the NPD process from product conceptualization to production requirements. New Product Specification Forecast System (NPSFS) support product development and used from first matrix of QFD. A case study of a scale producer firm to select the Specification of new product based on data collected from designed questionnaires is given which includes identification & determination of customers’ needs, while looking for technical and engineering characteristics related to their needs. The results are then used to construct houses of quality for QFD, which is incorporated by fuzzy AHP. It is concluded that the proposed decision support system by fuzzy QFD can be used as a powerful tool to select the most suitable specification for new products to satisfy customer's needs.
Keywords: Decision support systems (DSS). Fuzzy AHP, Quality function deployment (QFD), New product specification forecast system (NPSFS) and New product development (NPD)
Abstract: New product development (NPD) requires considering multiple criteria under a hierarchical structure. The evaluation process often involves uncertainty and fuzziness in both the relationships between criteria and the judgments of evaluators. Quality function deployment (QFD) aims to facilitate the NPD process from product conceptualization to production requirements. New Product Specification Forecast System (NPSFS) support product development and used from first matrix of QFD. A case study of a scale producer firm to select the Specification of new product based on data collected from designed questionnaires is given which includes identification & determination of customers’ needs, while looking for technical and engineering characteristics related to their needs. The results are then used to construct houses of quality for QFD, which is incorporated by fuzzy AHP. It is concluded that the proposed decision support system by fuzzy QFD can be used as a powerful tool to select the most suitable specification for new products to satisfy customer's needs.
Keywords: Decision support systems (DSS). Fuzzy AHP, Quality function deployment (QFD), New product specification forecast system (NPSFS) and New product development (NPD)
APA (American Psychological Association)
Jeddi, K. Y. (2016). A fuzzy decision system for new product specification forecast. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02(02), 105-113.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Jeddi, K. Y. “A fuzzy decision system for new product specification forecast.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02.02 (2016): 105-113.
Jeddi, K. Y. A fuzzy decision system for new product specification forecast. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02, no. 02 (2016): 105-113.
Jeddi, K. Y. (2016). A fuzzy decision system for new product specification forecast. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02(02), 105-113.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Jeddi, K. Y. “A fuzzy decision system for new product specification forecast.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02.02 (2016): 105-113.
Jeddi, K. Y. A fuzzy decision system for new product specification forecast. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02, no. 02 (2016): 105-113.
Volume 02, Issue 02 | Year of publication: 2016
Article Type: Review Article | No. 12 | Country: Uzbekistan | pp. 114-117 | Open Access
Title: The role of speech expressive means in Spanish poetics
Author: Turamuratova Iroda Ilhombaevna (2016)
Title: The role of speech expressive means in Spanish poetics
Author: Turamuratova Iroda Ilhombaevna (2016)
Title: The role of speech expressive means in Spanish poetics
Abstract: In recent years, the interest of researchers towards the problems of modern poetry has steadily increased. Poetic language became a research object of many scientists of the national and the foreign linguistics. The majority of the linguists who study a poetic language believe that the linguistic analysis of the poetic text can be carried out in accordance with different principles. However, the specific nature of the poetic language should be always taken into consideration.
Keywords: Poetic language, Linguists, Poetic text, Spanish poetry, Literary, Trope, Metaphor and Stylistic figure and Anaphora
Abstract: In recent years, the interest of researchers towards the problems of modern poetry has steadily increased. Poetic language became a research object of many scientists of the national and the foreign linguistics. The majority of the linguists who study a poetic language believe that the linguistic analysis of the poetic text can be carried out in accordance with different principles. However, the specific nature of the poetic language should be always taken into consideration.
Keywords: Poetic language, Linguists, Poetic text, Spanish poetry, Literary, Trope, Metaphor and Stylistic figure and Anaphora
APA (American Psychological Association)
Ilhombaevna, T. I. (2016). The role of speech expressive means in Spanish poetics. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02(02), 114-117.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Ilhombaevna, T. I. “The role of speech expressive means in Spanish poetics.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02.02 (2016): 114-117.
Ilhombaevna, T. I. The role of speech expressive means in Spanish poetics. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02, no. 02 (2016): 114-117.
Ilhombaevna, T. I. (2016). The role of speech expressive means in Spanish poetics. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02(02), 114-117.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Ilhombaevna, T. I. “The role of speech expressive means in Spanish poetics.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02.02 (2016): 114-117.
Ilhombaevna, T. I. The role of speech expressive means in Spanish poetics. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02, no. 02 (2016): 114-117.
Article Type: Review Article | No. 13 | Country: Bangladesh | pp. 118-124 | Open Access
Title: Postharvest loss assessment of brinjal in some selected areas of Bangladesh
Author: Kaysar, M. I., Mia, M. S., Islam, M. S. & Kausar, A. K. M. G. (2016)
Title: Postharvest loss assessment of brinjal in some selected areas of Bangladesh
Author: Kaysar, M. I., Mia, M. S., Islam, M. S. & Kausar, A. K. M. G. (2016)
Title: Postharvest loss assessment of brinjal in some selected areas of Bangladesh
Abstract: The study was conducted in three districts namely Narshingdi, Jessore and Bogra to assess the postharvest losses of brinjal. Multistage sampling technique has been used for selection of 90 brinjal growers and intermediaries, out of which 15 farmers and 15 intermediaries from each district selected randomly. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to calculate the postharvest losses of brinjal at different stages and determine the factors responsible of postharvest losses of brinjal at farmer level; a multiple linear regression model was carried. Total postharvest losses of brinjal were estimated by taking total losses at farmer, Aratdar, Bepari and retail level. A total postharvest loss of brinjal was 23.38%. Highest loss was estimated that 12.51% at the grower level. Among different intermediaries post harvest loss of brinjal was highest at retail level (5.96%) than Aratdar level losses (2.35%) and Bepari level losses (2.65%). Farming experience, sale price, transportation had negative and total production and weather had positive and significant relationship with the total postharvest loss of vegetable. Absence of postharvest treatments, low market price, lack of available storage facilities, and poor and costly transportation were the major problems at farm and intermediaries level. Proper storage facilities, easy transportation, applied scientific method of harvesting and fair price policy suggested by the study to minimize the postharvest loss.
Keywords: Brinjal, Postharvest loss, Assessment, Market loss, Growers and Storage
Abstract: The study was conducted in three districts namely Narshingdi, Jessore and Bogra to assess the postharvest losses of brinjal. Multistage sampling technique has been used for selection of 90 brinjal growers and intermediaries, out of which 15 farmers and 15 intermediaries from each district selected randomly. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to calculate the postharvest losses of brinjal at different stages and determine the factors responsible of postharvest losses of brinjal at farmer level; a multiple linear regression model was carried. Total postharvest losses of brinjal were estimated by taking total losses at farmer, Aratdar, Bepari and retail level. A total postharvest loss of brinjal was 23.38%. Highest loss was estimated that 12.51% at the grower level. Among different intermediaries post harvest loss of brinjal was highest at retail level (5.96%) than Aratdar level losses (2.35%) and Bepari level losses (2.65%). Farming experience, sale price, transportation had negative and total production and weather had positive and significant relationship with the total postharvest loss of vegetable. Absence of postharvest treatments, low market price, lack of available storage facilities, and poor and costly transportation were the major problems at farm and intermediaries level. Proper storage facilities, easy transportation, applied scientific method of harvesting and fair price policy suggested by the study to minimize the postharvest loss.
Keywords: Brinjal, Postharvest loss, Assessment, Market loss, Growers and Storage
APA (American Psychological Association)
Kaysar, M. I., Mia, M. S., Islam, M. S. & Kausar, A. K. M. G. (2016). Postharvest loss assessment of brinjal in some selected areas of Bangladesh. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02(02), 118-124.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Kaysar, M. I., Mia, M. S., Islam, M. S. & Kausar, A. K. M. G. “Postharvest loss assessment of brinjal in some selected areas of Bangladesh.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02.02 (2016): 118-124.
Kaysar, M. I., Mia, M. S., Islam, M. S. & Kausar, A. K. M. G. Postharvest loss assessment of brinjal in some selected areas of Bangladesh. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02, no. 02 (2016): 118-124.
Kaysar, M. I., Mia, M. S., Islam, M. S. & Kausar, A. K. M. G. (2016). Postharvest loss assessment of brinjal in some selected areas of Bangladesh. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02(02), 118-124.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Kaysar, M. I., Mia, M. S., Islam, M. S. & Kausar, A. K. M. G. “Postharvest loss assessment of brinjal in some selected areas of Bangladesh.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02.02 (2016): 118-124.
Kaysar, M. I., Mia, M. S., Islam, M. S. & Kausar, A. K. M. G. Postharvest loss assessment of brinjal in some selected areas of Bangladesh. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02, no. 02 (2016): 118-124.
Article Type: Short Communication | No. 14 | Country: Bangladesh | pp. 125-131 | Open Access
Title: Diffusion of agricultural innovation through opinion leadership
Author: Islam, K. A., Bashar, M. A., Akhter, N., Mia, M. A. T., Afroj, M., Rahman, M. M. & Baque, M. A. (2016)
Title: Diffusion of agricultural innovation through opinion leadership
Author: Islam, K. A., Bashar, M. A., Akhter, N., Mia, M. A. T., Afroj, M., Rahman, M. M. & Baque, M. A. (2016)
Title: Diffusion of agricultural innovation through opinion leadership
Abstract: The aim of the study was to determine the role of opinion leadership in diffusion of agricultural innovation. The study was performed in the Alamdanga Upazila under Chuadanga district. Among the unions of Alamdanga Upazila Kalidaspur union has been selected as the study area. Fifty five farmers were randomly selected to explore the opinion leader. Thus 165 names of opinion leaders were found. After cross checking and deducted the duplicate name a list was prepared with 138 local leaders and communicate with them for interviewing and bring into being available 115. Among the respondents, the highest 54.80 percent respondent opinion leaders belongs to the group of lowest role in diffusion of agricultural innovation followed by 34.80 percent in moderate role group and the lowest percentage 10.40 percent n highest group in diffusion of agricultural innovation. Education level, extent of advice on adoption of agricultural innovation, innovativeness, organization participation, agricultural knowledge, motivational activities and diffusion network had significantly positive relationships with role of opinion leadership in diffusion of agricultural innovation. Annual income had no significant positive relationships with role of opinion leadership in diffusion of agricultural innovation. Besides, age and family size of the respondents had no significant negative relationship with role of opinion leadership in diffusion of agricultural 1st and serve as center of inter personal communication network in positioned 10th as per in case of role of opinion leadership in diffusion of agricultural innovation.
Keywords: Leadership, Diffusion and Innovation
Abstract: The aim of the study was to determine the role of opinion leadership in diffusion of agricultural innovation. The study was performed in the Alamdanga Upazila under Chuadanga district. Among the unions of Alamdanga Upazila Kalidaspur union has been selected as the study area. Fifty five farmers were randomly selected to explore the opinion leader. Thus 165 names of opinion leaders were found. After cross checking and deducted the duplicate name a list was prepared with 138 local leaders and communicate with them for interviewing and bring into being available 115. Among the respondents, the highest 54.80 percent respondent opinion leaders belongs to the group of lowest role in diffusion of agricultural innovation followed by 34.80 percent in moderate role group and the lowest percentage 10.40 percent n highest group in diffusion of agricultural innovation. Education level, extent of advice on adoption of agricultural innovation, innovativeness, organization participation, agricultural knowledge, motivational activities and diffusion network had significantly positive relationships with role of opinion leadership in diffusion of agricultural innovation. Annual income had no significant positive relationships with role of opinion leadership in diffusion of agricultural innovation. Besides, age and family size of the respondents had no significant negative relationship with role of opinion leadership in diffusion of agricultural 1st and serve as center of inter personal communication network in positioned 10th as per in case of role of opinion leadership in diffusion of agricultural innovation.
Keywords: Leadership, Diffusion and Innovation
APA (American Psychological Association)
Islam, K. A., Bashar, M. A., Akhter, N., Mia, M. A. T., Afroj, M., Rahman, M. M. & Baque, M. A. (2016). Diffusion of agricultural innovation through opinion leadership. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02(02), 125-131.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Islam, K. A., Bashar, M. A., Akhter, N., Mia, M. A. T., Afroj, M., Rahman, M. M. & Baque, M. A. “Diffusion of agricultural innovation through opinion leadership.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02.02 (2016): 125-131.
Islam, K. A., Bashar, M. A., Akhter, N., Mia, M. A. T., Afroj, M., Rahman, M. M. & Baque, M. A. Diffusion of agricultural innovation through opinion leadership. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02, no. 02 (2016): 125-131.
Islam, K. A., Bashar, M. A., Akhter, N., Mia, M. A. T., Afroj, M., Rahman, M. M. & Baque, M. A. (2016). Diffusion of agricultural innovation through opinion leadership. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02(02), 125-131.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Islam, K. A., Bashar, M. A., Akhter, N., Mia, M. A. T., Afroj, M., Rahman, M. M. & Baque, M. A. “Diffusion of agricultural innovation through opinion leadership.” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02.02 (2016): 125-131.
Islam, K. A., Bashar, M. A., Akhter, N., Mia, M. A. T., Afroj, M., Rahman, M. M. & Baque, M. A. Diffusion of agricultural innovation through opinion leadership. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02, no. 02 (2016): 125-131.
Article Type: Research Article | No. 15 | Country: Bangladesh | pp. 132-139 | Open Access
Title: Economics of sugarcane cultivation in some selected char lands of Bangladesh
Author: Islam, M. S., Khatun, S., Kamruzzaman, M., Kaysar, M. I. and Islam, S. (2016)
Title: Economics of sugarcane cultivation in some selected char lands of Bangladesh
Author: Islam, M. S., Khatun, S., Kamruzzaman, M., Kaysar, M. I. and Islam, S. (2016)
Title: Economics of sugarcane cultivation in some selected char lands of Bangladesh
Abstract: The study was undertaken to examine the profitability of sugarcane cultivation in char areas of Gaibandha and Kurigram districts of Bangladesh. Main objectives of the study were to explore socio-economic condition, profitability of sugarcane cultivation in char lands, factors affecting sugarcane cultivation and constraints of sugarcane cultivation in char areas. Data were randomly collected from 60 farmers taking 30 farmers from each district. A pre-tested interview schedule was used for collect data. Both descriptive and functional analyses were used in this study. Per hectare cost of sugarcane cultivation in char areas were Tk. 113976.5 which was higher in Gaibandha districts (Tk.121113) followed by Kurigram district (Tk.106840). Average yield of sugarcane in two districts were 62.04 t ha-1. Per hectare net return was Tk. 62252 in the study area. Average BCR over variable cost of two districts was 1.81 which was higher in Gaibandha district 2.06 followed by Kurigram district 1.53. Human labor, Urea, TSP and irrigation were positively significant but organic fertilizer was negatively significant in the study areas. Irrigation problem, lack of clean seed, lack of adequate crusher machine, infestation of disease and pests, low price of sugarcane, lack of transportation facility and lack of money are the major constraints of char sugarcane farmers.
Key Words: Char lands, Socio-economics, Profitability, Sugarcane and Constraints
Abstract: The study was undertaken to examine the profitability of sugarcane cultivation in char areas of Gaibandha and Kurigram districts of Bangladesh. Main objectives of the study were to explore socio-economic condition, profitability of sugarcane cultivation in char lands, factors affecting sugarcane cultivation and constraints of sugarcane cultivation in char areas. Data were randomly collected from 60 farmers taking 30 farmers from each district. A pre-tested interview schedule was used for collect data. Both descriptive and functional analyses were used in this study. Per hectare cost of sugarcane cultivation in char areas were Tk. 113976.5 which was higher in Gaibandha districts (Tk.121113) followed by Kurigram district (Tk.106840). Average yield of sugarcane in two districts were 62.04 t ha-1. Per hectare net return was Tk. 62252 in the study area. Average BCR over variable cost of two districts was 1.81 which was higher in Gaibandha district 2.06 followed by Kurigram district 1.53. Human labor, Urea, TSP and irrigation were positively significant but organic fertilizer was negatively significant in the study areas. Irrigation problem, lack of clean seed, lack of adequate crusher machine, infestation of disease and pests, low price of sugarcane, lack of transportation facility and lack of money are the major constraints of char sugarcane farmers.
Key Words: Char lands, Socio-economics, Profitability, Sugarcane and Constraints
APA (American Psychological Association)
Islam, M. S., Khatun, S., Kamruzzaman, M., Kaysar, M. I. & Islam, S. (2016). Economics of sugarcane cultivation in some selected char lands of Bangladesh. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02(02), 132-139.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Islam, M. S., Khatun, S., Kamruzzaman, M., Kaysar, M. I. & Islam, S. “Economics of sugarcane cultivation in some selected char lands of Bangladesh’’. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02(02) (2016): 132-139.
Islam, M. S., Khatun, S., Kamruzzaman, M., Kaysar, M. I. & Islam, S. Economics of sugarcane cultivation in some selected char lands of Bangladesh. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02, no. (02) (2016): 132-139.
Islam, M. S., Khatun, S., Kamruzzaman, M., Kaysar, M. I. & Islam, S. (2016). Economics of sugarcane cultivation in some selected char lands of Bangladesh. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02(02), 132-139.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Islam, M. S., Khatun, S., Kamruzzaman, M., Kaysar, M. I. & Islam, S. “Economics of sugarcane cultivation in some selected char lands of Bangladesh’’. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02(02) (2016): 132-139.
Islam, M. S., Khatun, S., Kamruzzaman, M., Kaysar, M. I. & Islam, S. Economics of sugarcane cultivation in some selected char lands of Bangladesh. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 02, no. (02) (2016): 132-139.