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Volume 05 - Issue 01 | Year of Publication: 2015
Article type: Market survey paper | No. 48, 2015 | Country: Bangladesh | pp. 01-09
Title: Marketing system of maize in Gaibandha district of Bangladesh
Authors: Kausar, A. K. M. G., Alam, M. J. and Awal, M. A.
Title: Marketing system of maize in Gaibandha district of Bangladesh
Authors: Kausar, A. K. M. G., Alam, M. J. and Awal, M. A.
Article type: Research paper | No. 49, 2015 | Country: Bangladesh | pp. 10-15
Title: Prolonging vase life of cut rose (Rosa hybrida L. cv. Red Pearl) through chemical preservatives
Authors: Khan, P., Shahrin, S., Taufique, T., Mehraj, H. & Jamal Uddin, A. F. M.
Title: Prolonging vase life of cut rose (Rosa hybrida L. cv. Red Pearl) through chemical preservatives
Authors: Khan, P., Shahrin, S., Taufique, T., Mehraj, H. & Jamal Uddin, A. F. M.
Article type: Research Paper | No. 50, 2015 | Country: Bangladesh | pp. 16-23
Title: Wheat-Pteris vittata inter-planting on arsenic contaminated soil to trap arsenic entry into wheat plant
Authors: Jamal Uddin, A. F. M., Mayda, U., Shilpi, R. Y., Taufique, T. and Mehraj, H.
Title: Wheat-Pteris vittata inter-planting on arsenic contaminated soil to trap arsenic entry into wheat plant
Authors: Jamal Uddin, A. F. M., Mayda, U., Shilpi, R. Y., Taufique, T. and Mehraj, H.
Article type: Research Paper | No. 51, 2015 | Country: Bangladesh | pp. 24-29
Title: Growth and yield of Gimakalmi (Ipomoea acquatica) as influenced by combinations of nitrogen and cowdung
Authors: Nahar, M. A., Karim, M. R. and Rahman, M.
Title: Growth and yield of Gimakalmi (Ipomoea acquatica) as influenced by combinations of nitrogen and cowdung
Authors: Nahar, M. A., Karim, M. R. and Rahman, M.
Article type: Research Paper | No. 52, 2015 | Country: Bangladesh | pp. 30-36
Title: Chemical preservatives for increasing shelf life of gerbera
Authors: Khan, P., Mehraj, H., Taufique, T., Shiam, I. H. and Jamal Uddin, A. F. M.
Title: Chemical preservatives for increasing shelf life of gerbera
Authors: Khan, P., Mehraj, H., Taufique, T., Shiam, I. H. and Jamal Uddin, A. F. M.
Volume 05 - Issue 02 | Year of Publication: 2015
Article type: Research Paper | No. 53, 2015 | Country: Bangladesh | pp. 37-49
Title: Control of cotton boll rot through selected chemicals
Authors: Mahmood, S. M., Sultana, N., Rahman, M. M., Adan, M. J. and Chowdhury, M. S. N.
Title: Control of cotton boll rot through selected chemicals
Authors: Mahmood, S. M., Sultana, N., Rahman, M. M., Adan, M. J. and Chowdhury, M. S. N.
Article type: Survey Paper | No. 54, 2015 | Country: Bangladesh | pp. 50-58
Title: Outline of crop biomass utilization in designated rural areas of Bangladesh
Authors: Rabbani, M. A., Sarker, R. I. and Satter, M. A.
Title: Outline of crop biomass utilization in designated rural areas of Bangladesh
Authors: Rabbani, M. A., Sarker, R. I. and Satter, M. A.
Article type: Survey Paper | No. 55, 2015 | Country: Bangladesh | pp. 59-64
Title: Goat husbandry practices in Southern region of Bangladesh
Author: Hossain, M. S., Akhtar, A., Hossain, M. H., Choudhury, M. P. and Islam, F.
Title: Goat husbandry practices in Southern region of Bangladesh
Author: Hossain, M. S., Akhtar, A., Hossain, M. H., Choudhury, M. P. and Islam, F.
Article type: Review Paper | No. 56, 2015 | Country: Bangladesh | pp. 65-72
Title: Anti-diabetic potential of Ficus racemosa: current state and prospect especially in the developing countries
Author: Amin, M. M., Bhakta, S. and Das, S. K.
Title: Anti-diabetic potential of Ficus racemosa: current state and prospect especially in the developing countries
Author: Amin, M. M., Bhakta, S. and Das, S. K.
Article Type: Questionnaire Survey Article | No. 57, 2015 | Country: Bangladesh | pp. 73-79
Title: Broiler production at central and southern region of Bangladesh
Authors: Islam, F., Begum, S., Majumder, A. and Hossain, M. S.
Title: Broiler production at central and southern region of Bangladesh
Authors: Islam, F., Begum, S., Majumder, A. and Hossain, M. S.
Abstract: Forty one farmers from villages of Mymensingh and Barguna districts in Bangladesh were enumerated to explore knowledge in broiler production. Data were collected on day old chick weight, live broiler weight at market age, feed consumption, mortality rate, farmers’ characters and farm management parameters. Few farmers received short training on broiler farming in Barguna (38.10%) and Mymensingh district (15%), most of the farmers did not take training. About 75% farmers in Mymensingh and 33.30% farmers in Barguna district had experiences in broiler farming for 3 years and above. Farm size was smaller in Barguna district than that of Mymensingh district. Most of the broiler farmers were rearing Ross broiler bird in Mymensingh district and Hubbard Classic strain in Barguna district. Most of the farmers had secondary level education. All broiler houses were open sided and about 85% broiler house in Mymensingh district and 85.71% in Barguna district had gable type roof made by corrugated iron sheet (CIS). In Mymensingh district, all farmers were using rice husk as litter materials but most of the farmers (95.20%) of Barguna district were using sawdust for the same purpose. All farmers in Barguna district were using the disposed litter as fertilizer though most of the farmers in Mymensingh district were using the same materials as fish feed. Farmers were using electric brooder and brooding their birds for a period of 7 days while most of the farmers were using hurricane lantern for standby power supply. During loading the day old chicks in the houses most of the farmers used oral saline, vitamin C with water in both districts. Farmers were using Newcastle and Infectious Bursal Disease vaccine for the commercial hybrid broiler birds and 100% farmers were using growth promoter for rapid gain of body weight of broiler birds in study area. Live body weight at marketing age, feed conversion ratio and mortality rate of broiler birds were 1581.58±46.08 gm, 1.84±0.07 and 5.22±0.95%, respectively in Mymensingh district. In Barguna district the same were 1502.38±35.27gm, 1.93±0.04 and 3.51±0.65%, respectively. It might be concluded from the above discussion that a) Broiler farming operation was running by secondary level educated and untrained farmers. b) Farmers were sincere in vaccination of their birds but dishonest to use of growth promoter. They were using corrugated iron sheet made roof in broiler house which could be replaced by suitable locally available materials, like straw, tree leaves etc, to protect birds from heat stress. c) FCR value and mortality rate was high. Quality feed, quality chicks, better management practices could help to increase profitability by reducing FCR value and mortality rate.
Key words: Broiler, broiler farmer character, broiler farm management and growth characteristics
Key words: Broiler, broiler farmer character, broiler farm management and growth characteristics
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APA (American Psychological Association)
Islam, F., Begum, S., Majumder, A. & Hossain, M. S. (2015). Broiler production at central and southern region of Bangladesh. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 05 (02), 73-79.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Islam, F., Begum, S., Majumder, A. & Hossain, M. S. “Broiler production at central and southern region of Bangladesh.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 05.02 (2015): 73-79.
Islam, F., Begum, S., Majumder, A. & Hossain, M. S. “Broiler production at central and southern region of Bangladesh.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 05, no. 02 (2015): 73-79.
Islam, F., Begum, S., Majumder, A. & Hossain, M. S. (2015). Broiler production at central and southern region of Bangladesh. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 05 (02), 73-79.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Islam, F., Begum, S., Majumder, A. & Hossain, M. S. “Broiler production at central and southern region of Bangladesh.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 05.02 (2015): 73-79.
Islam, F., Begum, S., Majumder, A. & Hossain, M. S. “Broiler production at central and southern region of Bangladesh.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 05, no. 02 (2015): 73-79.
Article Type: Research Article | No. 58, 2015 | Country: Bangladesh | pp. 80-87
Title: Regeneration diversity of mangrove species inside Sonneratia apetala plantations along the coastal belt of Bangladesh
Authors: Islam, S. A., Miah, M. A. Q., Habib, M. A. and Rasul, M. G.
Title: Regeneration diversity of mangrove species inside Sonneratia apetala plantations along the coastal belt of Bangladesh
Authors: Islam, S. A., Miah, M. A. Q., Habib, M. A. and Rasul, M. G.
Abstract: Large scale coastal plantations with Sonneratia apetala have been established by the Forest Department along the coastline of Bangladesh since 1966. A study was conducted to assess the present stocking and growth performance of this species and status of naturally regenerated mangrove species inside S. apetala plantations. The study was carried out from 17-42 years old S. apetala stands at 20 small islands (chars) of 4 major locations namely Rangabali (Patuakhali), Char Kukri-Mukri (Bhola), Sitakundu (Chittagong) and Hatiya (Noakhali) of Bangladesh. The data on tree density, height and diameter were recorded from originally planted S. apetala plantations. The data on naturally regenerated mangrove species (seedlings, saplings, poles and trees) were also counted from afforested S. apetala plantations. The density of afforested S. apetala per hectare area was ranged between 311-2178 trees, tree height ranged between 6.37-20.66m and diameter at breast height (dbh) ranged between 17.32-34.02cm at different chars. Totals of 6, 9, 6 and 1 different regenerated mangrove species were found to occur naturally inside S, apetala plantations at Rangabali, Char Kukri-Mukri, Sitakundu and Hatiya sites respectively. The most abundant regenerated species was Excoecaria agallocha in all sites. Others important species were Heritiera fomes, Avicennia officinalis, Bruguiera sexangula at Rangabali; Aegiceras corniculatum, A. officinalis, H. fomes, Phoenix paludosa at Char Kukri-Mukri and Ceriops decandra, A. corniculatum, Tamarix indica, A. officinalis at Sitakundu site. This natural regeneration could be a second rotation multi-storied sustainable mangrove forest in the coastal belt of Bangladesh.
Keywords: Sonneratia apetala, growth, mangrove species, regeneration and coastal belt
Keywords: Sonneratia apetala, growth, mangrove species, regeneration and coastal belt
APA (American Psychological Association)
Islam, S. A., Miah, M. A. Q., Habib, M. A. & Rasul, M. G. (2015). Regeneration diversity of mangrove species inside Sonneratia apetala plantations along the coastal belt of Bangladesh. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 05 (02), 80-87.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Islam, S. A., Miah, M. A. Q., Habib, M. A. & Rasul, M. G. “Regeneration diversity of mangrove species inside Sonneratia apetala plantations along the coastal belt of Bangladesh.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 05.02 (2015): 80-87.
Islam, S. A., Miah, M. A. Q., Habib, M. A. & Rasul, M. G. “Regeneration diversity of mangrove species inside Sonneratia apetala plantations along the coastal belt of Bangladesh.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 05, no. 02 (2015): 80-87.
Islam, S. A., Miah, M. A. Q., Habib, M. A. & Rasul, M. G. (2015). Regeneration diversity of mangrove species inside Sonneratia apetala plantations along the coastal belt of Bangladesh. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 05 (02), 80-87.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Islam, S. A., Miah, M. A. Q., Habib, M. A. & Rasul, M. G. “Regeneration diversity of mangrove species inside Sonneratia apetala plantations along the coastal belt of Bangladesh.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 05.02 (2015): 80-87.
Islam, S. A., Miah, M. A. Q., Habib, M. A. & Rasul, M. G. “Regeneration diversity of mangrove species inside Sonneratia apetala plantations along the coastal belt of Bangladesh.” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 05, no. 02 (2015): 80-87.